Branham Cult Attacks Our YouTube Channel

UPDATE: William Branham’s “Message” cult of personality has disabled this channel. The latest Podcast available here: …


  1. So sorry for these people with malicious hearts attacking. Coincidentally, just today I received in the mail the Christ for the Nations Spring 2023 edition of “The Voice” magazine. William Branham’s picture is on the front cover. I’d send you a photo of it, but not sure how to attach it.

  2. Hang on John and don’t worry!!! That’s how they work. Their lies and deception need a lot of scheming and manipulation to build them up, but truth comes with such simplicity and ease to bring their house of cards down with just a gentle breeze.

    Keep it up!!! People are listening, that’s why they want to shut you up…!!!

  3. Truth always prevails. Whoever is behind this will not succeed. There was a time believing the sign was promoting the message, and lo behold, God opens these brothers' eyes since then they have been doing a marvelous job exposing the lies about the false so called end time message.

  4. You’ve done right in bringing out the absolute truth about the great abominations that William Branham and His Message Cult were involved in and also doing themselves. The Lord bless you, brother John. We remember the things that the Lord led you to expose. Godspeed.

  5. Brother John can you give me any form of communication that we can contact each other? This to assist bodies of ENDTIME believers as I'm the first one that presented your revelation about the messed of the message & wmb. Even bro Charles if possible. Pls.

  6. UPDATE: It appears that multiple social media accounts were also compromised. Suspicious login activity has forced ownership verification of two accounts, and we are locked out of one social media account. One of the video hosting accounts compromised has been modified such that the two-factor authentication is now disabled.

    The Branham cult has issued three, very targeted, takedown notices to conceal some very critical information. This morning we received notification that the cult has removed the video exposing William Branham's failed healing of Carol Ruth Strubler, the young girl allegedly "healed" by William Branham in the video, "Deep Calleth to the Deep".

    They also issued a takedown of the Sarah Branham Investigation video, linking William Branham's cult of personality to the events happening at Colonia Dignidad and attorney Gerald Lee Walker's investigation into what he claimed to be a civil and criminal investigation of well-respected leaders of the Branham cult.

    Most interestingly, they issued a takedown notice of the "Branham Land Rush" video, and would not state which material they claim to be "copyrighted". The video is an examination of records that we found in the Clark County Courthouse confirming some of the findings of Gerald Lee Walker's investigation into the Branham cult and the Branham family.

    All videos clearly stated that copyrighted content (if any) was used without permission in accordance with the Fair Use exception in United States Copyright Law, section 107.

  7. you're ridiculous, it's nonsense… when you attack others, it's not a problem and when others attack you, it becomes a problem… those who attack you , are right to do so , because you were the one who started attacking them first, you open a youtube channel to allow people to insult, to discriminate against the people of the message, and when a believer of the message is trying to defend themselves , you say that he is acting badly… it's really nonsense…

  8. You say the "Branham cult" did this– but there is no central organization following William Branham. Are you branding all his followers as cult members? I think this is much like many of your other "railing accusations" ( Jude1:8-10 .). Just because there was no recovered newspaper account of men falling into a concrete pour while building the Jeffersonville bridge in the 1930s doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  9. Did you guys look at the David Erikson channel? He has the deep calleth the deep video on there, and he says that he owns the copyright! That is such an outrageous lie! How can YouTube let him get away with that? The same with the halo photo. You can look it up in the online copyright database, those guys don't own that stuff. It's outrageous!

  10. Keep going brother, just keep going, you and Charles.
    Cant wait next episode. All what you are doing is not in vain, believe me. Here in Europe, I am educated about these antichrist spirit, thanks to you and informations. Its right Here, in my heart and mind. Not deleted ever!! The Truth Always win. Love and blessings from Croatia
    Keep going!!

  11. I've just now realized you said it's happening again! David Ray Erikson telling everyone to be careful what they say about anything God, aka Branham apparently, does is such a huge cult red flag. He'd better be careful about what legal trouble he's getting himself in. We're rooting for you John, we can't let them stop you now!

  12. I was anti Branham but dear all don't put yourself in HELL as from heaven it revels to me and my family that the MESSAGE is from JESUS to prepare HIS Bride for rapture and my conversation is for 2.5 hrs with an angel to whom me my wife and my child has seen and hear what he said. This is the true message from JESUS through his servant Branham to prepare the Bride

  13. Sorry to see these malicious attacks happening. Cults do this to hide and coverup their crimes. Scientology cult has done this for decades. You guys brought truth about this evangelical cult that has been covered up for decades in lies and misinformation. When heat like this comes down it means you’re on the right track


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