Here is a clip from the “Re-Digging the Wells DVD” coming out at the end of June, where Bobby Connor sits down with Dave and …


  1. It is interesting. I was wondering why didn't God correct Robert Liardon when he was doing his research and writing that story?

    Sometimes, we may do or say some wrong things and God may be silent, especially, if we think we cannot be wrong or if we do not seek His face.

  2. One more time to try and get past the censors. And I thought it was only liberals, Facebook and twitter who censor people.
    Well, Glory to God. Jesus is Lord and He will reveal the secrets of men''s hearts.
    I'm not doubting nor am I giving credence to what you are saying because I have only second hand evidence that you are giving. You may be telling the truth. I will say that it seems a little bit far fetched to believe that some mysterious Christian denomination that you will not name (And why not name them? We call out Roman Catholics for their sin. We call out reprobate pastors for their sin and false teaching. What reason could you have for not naming this mysterious denomination? In all honesty this does not strengthen your case) to repeat, it seems a little far fetched to believe that some mysterious, unnamed Christian denomination would have the power to compromise doctors in a hospital to kill by lethal injection of alcohol a patient in their care. Really? You said that A.A. Allen's granddaughter has a copy of the check that was given to some doctor to kill A.A. Allen. Did she show you the copy of the check? Have you first hand evidence that the copy of the check exists?

    You make the amazing claim that "AA Allen was Murdered by the Christian Mafia". What is this mysterious "Christian Mafia"? Why would they go to the extraordinary lengths to pay some doctors in a hospital to kill A.A. Allen? What would be their motive? How large is this "Christian Mafia"? Is it a planned conspiracy with paid agents of the medical profession intent on killing A.A. Allen? This entire story seems a little far fetched. Sorry, just using a little common sense that I was born with.

    You tell this story about some "Christian Mafia" that murdered A.A. Allen. Well, I for one would like to hear more about this Christian Mafia. Who were they? For the sake of justice, if this was a crime that was committed, the willful planning and commission of the murder of a Christian Pastor, then I would like to know more about it, who the perpetrators of this crime were. What was the Doctor's name? He's dead now so why can't you reveal his name? Does this Christian Mafia still exist? Did they commit any other crimes and were these crimes ever investigated? You said there is more documentation. What is it? These are questions that I would like to have answers to. Can you shed any light on this? This is not only out of idle curiosity, but if there is additional evidence that you say exists, then it would go a long way toward clearing up this scandal and would also clear up any doubts people might have about A.A. Allen. Producing this additional information would clear up any besmirching of his reputation. And I'm sure that you would want to clear up his name from any scandal, so producing this documentation would only wipe clean any lies or slanders spoken against his memory.

  3. This is no surprise to me. I didn't believe that he died an alcoholic. He had to be hated by many, because he allowed all races to the revivals, including African Americans during the Jim Crow era. He was (is) one of the soldiers who died for CHRIST. The wife of the Presiding Elder of my congregation attended Miracle Valley Bible College. That was before my time, and I wish I could have been around then!!! He was TRULY GIFTED BY GOD!!! I was able to communicate with his son via email a few years ago.

  4. I had put 2 comments with a link here. I assume it went to spam because of the link. Please delete those comments. God is so merciful and our only Judge….People struggle with all kinds of sin. We all need to show love and let the Lord be the Judge.


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