Whats the name of that song when Puleng first walked into the Party with zama and the name of the song when she was walking into the school to meet wade for the first time
The show is great, except these people are already too old for us to believe they are teenagers. By the time the show is on season 3 they will be 35 acting as 17???? Not sustainable.
I wonder if the Elite/Riverdale/gossipgirl/baby/kdrama watchers are into this show as well? I doubt it, I’ve noticed that those fans are only uninterested in foreign highschool dramas when the cast has a darker tan than olive. And south asian fans who love any kind of drama are in the same boat because of their paradoxical dislike for people with their same skintone
{يوم تشهد عليهم ألسنتهم وأيديهم وارجلهم بما كانوا يعملون} احذر يكون حسابك شاهد عليك يوم القيامة بسبب صور المتبرجات،الاغاني او شيء محرم نشرته لا تدري متى تتوفى وما يوجد بحسابك سيكون ذنوب جارية لك تضرك بعد وفاتك،نصيحةلا تتهاون بالذنوب وأحذف كل شيء محرم في حسابك وانشر ما ينفعك لأخرتك
Watch the Blood & Water Afterschool Special here : https://youtu.be/L4EC4DYrVfE
This is my first time watching this siries l hop it is a gud one
Wendy a grieve mi?
honestly yeah wade is still my favorite
the way he whimpers lol
Blood and water season 3 when is it being released
I love this show ???
Kenyan ??❤️
What about episode 2
Can I please have the link for blood and water season 1 episode 2…please
I love the video so so much
This series is lit
Finally we are not in a jungle living in huts without water and food, and dying from diseases lol
Umm at 12:17
Thank you, Cape Town beauty ?
put more eps please
I remember watching this and I didn’t finish it. I need to finish it
This is such a massive show and love it♥️? and am glad that my people from Uganda are supporting??? Great work South Africans.
Whats the name of that song when Puleng first walked into the Party with zama and the name of the song when she was walking into the school to meet wade for the first time
Love you guys.?????
where is episode 2 I've been looking like crazy
Very interesting love it
So good I finished the whole series in one day! Phew! I love how every character have moments they speak in their family's home languages!
The show is great, except these people are already too old for us to believe they are teenagers. By the time the show is on season 3 they will be 35 acting as 17???? Not sustainable.
Jesus loves u
Wow South Africa ?? is soo beautiful ?
where can i get the whole of season 1
A waiting for season 3
i got netflix just because of this
Can’t wait till season 3come out
Finally a show showcasing african talent?
Pls when is season 3 coming ???? can’t wait to watch
I wonder if the Elite/Riverdale/gossipgirl/baby/kdrama watchers are into this show as well? I doubt it, I’ve noticed that those fans are only uninterested in foreign highschool dramas when the cast has a darker tan than olive. And south asian fans who love any kind of drama are in the same boat because of their paradoxical dislike for people with their same skintone
I am already subscribe you channel
this cast is so beautiful i literally fell in love with all of their looks ong
Can someone please send a link to episode 2 can't find it
¿Cuándo tercera temporada? Por favor…
{يوم تشهد عليهم ألسنتهم وأيديهم وارجلهم بما كانوا يعملون}
احذر يكون حسابك شاهد عليك يوم القيامة بسبب صور المتبرجات،الاغاني او شيء محرم نشرته لا تدري متى تتوفى وما يوجد بحسابك سيكون ذنوب جارية لك تضرك بعد وفاتك،نصيحةلا تتهاون بالذنوب وأحذف كل شيء محرم في حسابك وانشر ما ينفعك لأخرتك
Svp qui a cette serie intégrale en français pour m'envoyer ?
This show is so good i binged the whole show in two days
Wawuuuuuuu hv just started the episode but am enjoying
I have billions of women.