1. Amen. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I receive this timely word in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ex. 33:14,17, 34:29, Matth. 5:14-16, Psalm 138:8, Heb10: 35-36,Ps.37:4,1Cor 2:9,Josh 3:5,1: 8-9, Deut 28: 11-13, Gen 12:1-3, Dan. 2:47,20-21,12:3, 6:3,
    3:20-30,1Sam30:1-8,18-19, Rom16:20,John11:14, 39-40,16:20, Zaccheria 9:12,
    Is 61:7, Job 42:10-15, Ps 34:10-19, Hebrews 10:35-36, John 6:48, Exodus 23:20, MATTHEW 4:18, LUKE 4:18, DANIEL 2:22,6:3, Ex 15:26,
    LUKE 18 7-8, Gen.1:6, 31:1-13, Isaiah 62:1, 33:6, Jer 1:11-12, 29:11, Matth 8:5-12, MARK 9:23, 11:22-24, Heb 12:1-2,11:1,6, 10:19-22, Rev3:8, Isaiah 22:22,54:17, 55:11, 2 Cor 2:12,John11:40, 16:20, 15:16, Is 40:1,29-31,53:5,9:2,60:1-22,
    1 Peter 2:24, Habbakuk 2:1-4, MICAH 4:6-7,2:13,7:7-8, 1 Chron 14: 8-10, Prov 28:25, 6:31,16:7, Zaccheria 8:11-12, 4:6,9: 11-12,Jer11:8,29: 5-11, 32:42, Deut 28:1-14,11:11, 10:14, Heb 11:1,6,11, Ps 75: 6-7,Zacc.4:6,9:11-12, Gen 41:37-52, 12:1-4, 50:20, Job 23:10, 42:10-15, 22:28, Prov 13:22, Philip 3:12-14,4:4, 9,13,19, MATTHEW 7:24-27,1Sam1:
    5-8, 1Cor16:9, 2:9,10:13,
    Is 43:1-3,18-19,Judges18:6, Eccles 3:4, Deut 28:12-14, Is. 40:29-31, Rom6:16,12:1-9,Gen. 4:7, Isaiah 40:29-31, 43:18-19, 51:3, 66:13, JOEL 2:25-28, Ps 121:1-2,66:5-6,75:6-7,Ex34:29, 14:14-21,Deut 28:12-14, 8:18, Micah 2:13, Is.60:1, Job 42: 10-15, Josh1:7-9,3:5,6:1-23,
    Acts 2: 32-33,1:8-9,3:1-10,
    Is.9:2-3, 40:1-5,29-31,41:15, 32:18, 43:18-19,32:18,84:11,
    1 Kings18:46,2 Kings 7:1-8, 3:16-20, 13:18-19 , Pr 16:7, 6:31,1Chron 4:10, 2 Chron 29: 3-19, Judges 7:7-9, 11:11-16, Tobit 12:10, Matth :13:38,17:20, 5:14-16, AMOS 9:11-15, Psalm 37:4,34, 34:1-19, 23:1-6,46:10, 1:3,3:3, Gen12:1-3,1:26, 50:20,
    1 Sam 25: 29-30, James 4:10, Gen 50:16-21,Ps20:1-9,75:6-7,
    92:15-16, Eccles 3:1-11,4:3, Jer1:6-8,29:11,Rev3:8, Is22:22, Ps105: 16-22,31:8, LUKE18:1-8, Deut 11: 24,11:11, Eph. 3:20, Ex.12, Deut 28:1-14, 1:11,Ps75:7, 119:18, Is.60:1-22, 43:18-19, 61:1-8,Rev 21:5-6, 3:7-8, Gen 39:2-6, 26:3,1:26, 12:1-3, 41: 37-52,Ps.75:6-7, 69:4,12:3,102: 13, Matth 25:21, 55:18, 66:20, Zeppniah 3:19-20, Esther2:9, 16-18,7:1-12, 8:17, Gen12:2-3, 39:2-6,22:17, Deut 11:11,8:7, Ex 3:17, 14:21, Heb 11:11, Is 65:23, Ps 126:1-4,1:7, 45:7, 112:7,
    2 Kings7:1-8,Dan.3:20-30,6:3, 12:3,2:20-22, Eccles 3:1-8,Gen.24:54-56, 12:2-3, 1:26,9:3, 13:7,Is.43: 18-19, 41:10,65: 23-24, 2 Cor 5:17, Rom 8:28-30,Jer20:11-12,
    21:8, 29:11, 30:18,23:19-22,
    5-6, 10:11:32:44,33:10-11,
    1:4,11,1 Chron 4:10, 1 Peter 5:10, Zeppniah 3:19-20, 1 Kings 13: 4-6, Is.9:2, 45:3,48:17,60:1,
    55:5,8-11,54:2-3,17, Matth 19:26,29, 17:20,16:20, 8:13, 20:16,5:14-16, Ex.14:37-52, 23:40, Zaccheria 4:6,9:11-12, Luke 1:18-20,2:10, 1:37,23:43,
    Is 61:1-8, Joshua 3:5,1:8-9,
    Ex.12:2, 14:13-21, Ps. 5:12, 23,91,70, Deut 28:1-14, Zacch 4:6, Jer 29:11, Joshua 1:8-9, Phillip 3:14, Mark 16:15, Gen.22:17, 12:1-3, LUKE 9:62, John 12:23, Gen 50:20, Heb 4:16, Matth. 25:21, 21:21, Ps 34:5, 143:8-10, 23:1-7,126:1-4, Is.68:6,40:31, 43:18-19,45:1-3, 33:17, Matth.6:1-4, 5-47, Daniel 12:3, 6:3, 2:20-21, 7:6, Ruth 2:1-23, Matth 5:14-16, Esther 2:17, 7:10, Is. 60:1,1 Peter 2:9, 5:10, Deut 8:18, Exodus 34:29, 17:1,Matth17:1,Ps.75:6-7,117:1, Haggai 2:9,19, JOEL 2:22-28, Zaccheria 4:6, Job 22:28, 42:8-12, Ps 92:14-16, 84:11,
    Rev 21:4-6,3:7-8, 5:5,12:13,
    1 Cor 2:9,John 16:0, Jer 31:
    13, 2 Sam 6:14, Ps. 16:11, 30:11, 149:3, 128:5, LUKE 19:17,2:10, 2:25-30, 23:43, Zeppniah 3:19, Micah 2:13, Habbakuk 2:3, Eccles 3:1,4,11, Rev10:6,3:14, 7-8,21:4-6,22:1-2,1Kings18:46, Isaiah 45:1-3, 65:24, 43:19, Matth.25:1-13, 21-23, 9:29, 5:14,16, 20:16, 17:20,6:47,
    John 3:2, 10:10, Gen.41:37-46, 30:43, 29:31,12: 2-3,1:26, 13:7, 9:3, 45:3,41:15,Deut.1:6-7,4:15, Ps.75:6-7, 23,91,70,118:15-22, 92:8-12, 23: 5-7,18:19, Job 22:28, Numbers 23:23, 1 Sam 17: 38-51, 1 Cor 15:57-58, 2:9,
    2 Corin 6:2, 4:17, 5:4 & Prov.16:3,7, 18:22, 23:20. 🙏


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