tdjakes #theology #hamptonministersconference #preaching Are you tired of being stuck where you are? Are you feeling …


  1. This reminds me of when people would say "we show had some church today".

    Id say awesome. What did the preacher preach about? And the reply Id get was "I dont know. But we show had some church"

  2. Peoples how can you sit there under a hypocrite,,,, sound like Jim Jones to me 2024 God will open up the curtains and we all will see to God be the glory 🙏 🙏💕 warning open up your eyes 👀

  3. Too many people said the same thing about him for years. God is angry for misleading his people. God believes homosexuality is an abomination, that means is disgusting to him. He will have court battles and he will soon die. Many mega pastors will suffer the same fate.

  4. Love you Bishop …I grown so much in my faith ,I study and am thankful you tell everyone the relationship with Christ is the foundation of our faith most of all you have never shown pride but Thanksgiving… keep on keeping on … not allowing your faith to be in flesh but in spirit of thy Holy Ghost…speak….

  5. Bishop who is he that judge you, is God that justify, people we should work our own salvation with fear and Tremble. Accusers will you go to heaven? No one knows. Read Galatians 5:19 and you will find yourself there. The bible said is appointed for a man to die once after that judgement. All of us, are going to stand in the judgement seat one day. Stop judging the Man of God. We all going to be judged one day.

  6. We are all forgiven if we repent however as a pastor you have a responsibility to try to do what’s right. Also when you’re the pastor this stewardship should be taken seriously! Jake needs to refrain from hanging around with people from the various secular communities who don’t stand for the same principles as him. However if he’s going around with these folks trying to win souls for Christ then keep preaching!!!! The bottom line is this…..
    People will listen and even hear you more and louder if the stewardship of being a BISHOP is honored!!! And people please put your trust in God, for he is the only ANSWER!!!!!

  7. Amen!!!! God doesn't keep records of sin to the Born again believers, who's truly Born again… He remembers our sins no more… He took them on the Cross once for all. Not two or three more times…. It is Finished, we confess, repent, and move on… Believes you are Forgiven!!!! Who are you to judge another when you to are sining time and time again…. And May not be born again believes Maybe if you were you wouldn't Judge Another!!!! Preach on For Jesus Christ.. T. D. Jake ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Amen!!!!😊


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