Bishop Eddie Long’s passing sent a shockwave when we heard the news. Eddie Long: Recent Illness Was ‘Aggressive Form of …


  1. AID and HIV can cause cancer look it up. In fact you get cancer everyday but your immune system fight it but what happens when you have no white cells to fight the cancer. I know bc I in the field not all cancer is just cancer by itself some of it is due to secondary infestation like HIV. You will be surprised look it up and do your research not saying he got AIDS or HIV just saying your statement is wrong in a medical level.

  2. He lie number one on God and said God told him he was going to be healed obviously the voices he was hearing was not God. False teacher false prophet preachers and teachers be watching he wasn't the right example don't be like him more bishops will fall like this. 🔥

  3. God Of Israel, God Of Abraham, God Of Isaac and Jacob will deal with all of us… The bible says do not judge… We all have fallen short of the Glory of God, but Jesus… If it hadn't been for Jesus, this earth would be void and without form… Be very careful how you judge, because we all will be accountable for everything that comes out of our mouths…

  4. No one keeps cancer a secret. AIDS another thing. People think you can cure aids by working out and eating right. No you need to take the meds.He has muscle wasting. With last stage cancer you not thinking bout lifting a finger let alone weights in the gym. People stop being so stupid that’s why the spread of hiv is so rapid.

  5. when you as a people who are LOST.. crown him, drape his sinful flesh with a Royal robe of kingship, wrap the HOLY Torah around him….. nahhhh God isnt tolerating that mess!!!

    this man…. made young boys like a candy store for himself for years and NOT ONE of his entire church even gave one damn!!!! This happens first because not one person there has the Spirit of discernment , Gifts of correction, rebuke etc didnt exist.. but an high emotional sensationalism spirit ran through entire bldg!!

  6. I started listening to this Pastor after his death. No matter what He did. Jesus died and rose again for His sins. He had the power of the Holy Spirit on him. 201am. I just wanted to hear what the people say SDS


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