Bishop Eddie Long’s accuser, Spencer LeGrande, visited Jill Tracey of Hot 105 FM Miami to discuss his tell-all book ‘Foursaken,’ …


  1. Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshu'a Hamashiach) is missing from this entire conversion.
    We don't have our own "Truth" we have our own "Reality and Experiences".
    Your Truth my Truth have become catch phrases of self Righteousness, not Christ Righteousness.

    Yes, a long time ago the " Black Church" began taking on a life all its own.

    Like the Word says…." They have a form of Godliness but deny the Truth thereof."

    And… " Judgment begins with the Household of God".

    The True Church is the Body of Christ. The people from every generation God counts as belonging to Him.

    If a Preacher male or female is having sexual intercourse outside of God ordained marriage, especially same sex and or with minors….that Preacher is reprobate and an abomination to a Holy Living Always Righteous God.

    There is a Fatal Sin of which there is no forgiveness at all.

    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which can occur in different ways is that Fatal, Hell bound Sin.

    Any Preacher who perverts himself or Minister who perverts herself with sexual Sin is bound for Hell.

    The modern day Black Church has been trying to get away from Lord Jesus Christ as White European. The Truth is He was born Jewish and could have had an olive ir dark complexion. Ethiopia has ancient renderings of Him. So does Russia and other Global Locations….but He was is and forever shall be God in the Flesh Who Calls All People to Escape the Eternal Hell Bound Snare of Satan and this Temporary Life in exchange for Obedience to the Gospel of Christ who says Repent of Sins and be Baptized in His Name for forgiveness. Worship Him and not the Preacher. Obey Him. This is Spiritual Conversation.

    " For Whomsoever Name was not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire which burns forever and ever.

    God Does not Play with Humanity or Wicked Principalities, Kingdoms, Powers, Dominions, Fallen Angels or Wicked Preachers.

  2. The problem is RELIGION not Christianity! Some things you state are going to be used by satan to run others from GOD! Relationship with GOD is necessary! Parents need to be equipped! God’s word declares parents are to TRAIN their children! Parents need to learn WHAT they are to TRAIN. Satan has destroyed families, there are good mothers, but Satan removed 75-80 of fathers from black homes. It started with government “intervention” that was demonic interruption of the family foundation! Parents are not perfect. Deliverance is needed!

  3. You can’t come along and mess up the flow. If the dogs been on the bed let them stay in the bed. I had a boyfriend that said something about my dogs. I told him “I’ll get rid of you before I get rid of my dogs. This is their house and you are a guest so pick your battles wisely.” I don’t play about my dogs.

  4. My thing is he is just as guilty for participating. We go after things because of the lusts of our own hearts, but yet when our enjoyment gets cuts off, we play victim. You are not innocent in that whole situation. It's all sad.

  5. We not to worship and glorify man but must glorified and worship Almighty God alone God is our father the parents fail when they don't want their children to this and the word of God you're not making Christians you're making church people who have no relationship with God but praise God he found his relationship with God my question is is he born again the Bible says You must be born again

  6. My aunt was married to a pastor and i was living with them, before phones were so popular back in the 90s in Jamaica i used to find all types of love letters women used to write him from the church and i had a nanny from the church when my auntie went to America he used to sleep with her at night.

  7. Na dude is money Hungry . You already had a money settlement years ago and now your're releasing a tell-all about the church. What are you gonna tell us that you can't put on your social media. We know Molestation , Fornication , adultery, Theft of money happens in the church , Based on his Vague promotion of his book its not worth a buy. Mr Spencer What Eddie did to you was horrible but Stop milking your molestation trauma for money. And people use discernment. Don't support this money hungry man.

  8. Hopefully my man Spencer understands that sometimes we’re victims of circumstance because of sin in our family and our surroundings.

    God didn’t allow it but God is turning it out for good

  9. He said that parents shouldn't automatically "make their children Christian" is insane. No one walking this Earth can make anyone Christian. Salvation is granted by God. This man needs to understand that a sick "pastor" SA'd him, not Christianity.


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