2. after he took that oath as King of Israel the devil said it would either manifest life or death within him and he went on with it buffed like John Cena soon after, I say a couple of months he looking small as Chris Rock. It manifested death because The Most High said there shall be no King until the appointed time.

  3. My dad had colon cancer but thank God bc they caught it early but first had to remove the cancer in my dad's right lung. removed his lower lobe and then 6 weeks later had cancer removed from his colon. I thank God everyday my dad is still here after almost 4 yrs after his surgeries. but he is a 3 time survivor of cancer. 1st one back on the 80's and never needed cemo or radiation.

    but rumor is he had aids but I don't know what to believe. Bc ppl really don't know the reason but possibly his family. I pray for his family and his soul. I pray he went to heaven bc of the allegations of the young men that came forward. I hope it's not true. but ONLY GOD KNOWS. Thanks for the video. and also whatever it was I hope he Rests in peace.

  4. My dad had colon cancer but thank God bc they caught it early but first had to remove the cancer in my dad's right lung. removed his lower lobe and then 6 weeks later had cancer removed from his colon. I thank God everyday my dad is still here after almost 4 yrs after his surgeries. but he is a 3 time survivor of cancer. 1st one back on the 80's and never needed cemo or radiation.

    but rumor is he had aids but I don't know what to believe. Bc ppl really don't know the reason but possibly his family. I pray for his family and his soul. I pray he went to heaven bc of the allegations of the young men that came forward. I hope it's not true. but ONLY GOD KNOWS. Thanks for the video. and also whatever it was I hope he Rests in peace.

  5. HOW CAN HIS WIFE STAND THERE AND SHAKE HER HEAD YES??????????? She is going to have to answer for his mess with these KIDS too because SHE KNOWS………and she stood with him after. This church STOOD with him some of them they will all have to answer for the 5 BOYS that we know of …………..>WHEN YOU STAND UP FOR A PREDATOR you are guilty of Condoning this perversion yourself . I don't know how anyone can stand with a CHILD RAPIST?

  6. I think god was punishing him. He called himself a man of god, he called himself a prophet but was using the church and the bible to molest little boys! He was a false prophet and he was punished for what he did. I wonder if he asked god for forgiveness and repented before he died because if not he went straight to hell!

  7. Now that he has passed we know that was not the truth. I don’t like when people do not speak truth and then use Jesus Name… it turns non believers or people that are wavering off rather than bring them closer to Christ. People that don’t know any better put their faith in man or in a church ⛪ rather than getting to know Christ for themselves and if they are not rooted in God’s word this type of mockery can lead people astray 🤦🏽‍♀️

  8. He didn't turn from his wicked ways,if he had God would has healed him by his healing power & not by say so words but he is still deteriorating Mr long words, his wife face say it all no joy excitement. She knew he was still lying, he didn't/ don't realize that God Glory has left him,remember saul this is Gods warning to us that his word the Bible is Alive & words will hit their mark if you disobey his word I'm a jealous God and I will not be mocked turn all from you wicked ways & I will healed the land hear me my children hear me

  9. Eddie Long was a member of The Roman Cult of Mithraism. The Roman Cult of Mithraism is an ancient world form of Freemasonry and has seven degrees of initiation and ritual meals are associated with debauchery. All the Roman elites Caesar, Senators, Patricians, and Merchants were members of The Roman Cult of Mithras. The current Vatican The Pope Francis I, The Cardinals, The Elders, The Deacons are all members of The Roman Cult of Mithras. Mithras is a pagan, heathen god who was born on December 25 and is worshipped as the Sun god of the Mithras. THE CULT OF ROME WHICH IS MITHRAS IS STILL ALIVE THROUGHOUT THE CURRENT ROMAN WORLD.


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