New birth missionary baptist church Do not own copyrights.


  1. This man has transition, is correct straight to hell crying to get the hell out & can't he deceived so many , The Lord Jesus Christ, said I am the way, the truth and the life . Eddie Long died 2 deaths the physical and the spiritual .

  2. if he would've just repented and humbled himself God might have dealt with him differently…….if you fall into sin don't try to act like you're being persecuted you just need to repent and be honest

  3. Just because this guy said it, it does not mean it is true. In fact he lied so much the one truth he said was that the remnants of him will still be here, yea, the vile behavior left it’s mark, but greater is He that is in the believer than he that is in the world” I feel so bad for the deceived but they are responsible. Wake up.


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