Bishop Eddie L  Long The Purpose Mar 2005

This video is not mine no copyright infringement intended.


  1. Thank you for posting this. His messages taught me…for sometimes we tend to forget that Jesus didn't pick the elite he used those with issues. So as I continue to listen to his teachings help me Lord to live right

  2. I was to be sentenced the next day for 20 years because I refused to Plead Guilty where Johnston County in Illinois Police said they found a bag of Marijuana in the back seat of my car that I was driving. My Mother, Dr. Cathryn Parkman-Lafayette asked that the substance in the bag be sent to the Lab for Testing. My Mom not having but $700 or so for an Attorney, Placed this money in the direct hand of Apostle Eddie Long before this Sermon without telling him anything. The next day when I and my Mom went to court for my Sentencing, it was FOUND that the Lab results showed that the substance in the bag, was TABACCO. I was found NOT GUILTY, My Name Cleaned and Sat Free. PRAISE ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Julian Parkman, Jr.

  3. Is there a tribute to the great Bishop Eddie Long Jamal Bryant draws a crowd because he's gifted how he speaks how he talks how he delivered and Bishop Eddie Long draw the crowd because he love THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT. E. L. LONG LOVE WITH WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. Looking back help me to see now🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏thank you sir.


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