Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. Many, many years ago. Unverifiable stories. Who is the lady? No answer. When did it happen? Zero. Where did it happen? Nothing. That is how the church was destroyed. Christians held in bondage with crazy stories.
    Christians, i present to you big brother naija for the gullible Christians

  2. There's life and death in every word either in spoken or written form. Your word can attract life or death. Death in this instance doesn't mean physical death. Death can be stagnation, trouble etc.

    Must you comment if there's so much negativity in you? Don't bring problem on your head. Don't trivialise spiritual thing. I guess all the people passing negative comments are gen z or some unscrupulous adult. Be careful what you say is my advice to you.



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