Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. satan means destruction, satan raise you and make you raise your child but he is taken you somewhere the place, he satan knows thats not what you pray for but because you refuse to listen sound warning of the God who knows the hearth of satan then you end up in hell, and satan comes and tell the living may he, her )soul rest in peace. people still dont know who satan is, satan is any spirit that makes you hate and fight the goodman of the earth or of the house,

  2. The scripture is been fulfilled, Isaiah 11:6
    The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

  3. Truly and eye opener what happen to seed is not the function of the but what ever happen to a seed is determined by the owner of the seed. Children are liken to seed in the hand of the parents what ever happened your children we the parent are to be blamed not the children. May this little grow in the light she exposed today as will grow to become a mother to nurture her seed in the way of the old as her own parent has nurture her now.
    I really want to appreciate all the children teachers at faith tabernacle for a work well done.
    Finally, the grace upon the apostle over this commission will never run dry in the name of jesus Christ. Amen. God bless papa. Your fathetship is showing in aspect of the commision. Shalom

  4. Good of you girl and your teachers in Jesus mighty name Amen,may the grace of God sustain you in Christian dom journey you will never fade away, you will keep growing, the light of God will shine on your part,am so proud of you sister,more of this

  5. Only a misguided generation would teaching children of 8 years old to be mentioning prostitution and drugs in their speeches. What does a child of 8 know about prostitution? For her to understand you need to describe or teach what sex is and what commercial sex means. May God deliver this generation from self destruction. Prostitution is not a topic to discuss in Sunday School. The Bishop should guide his Sunday School accordingly. The message would have been communicated very well without mentioning words that are above their age.


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