1. I am from Sierra Leone??. Well, sir I watch and listen to all what you have said about the great man of God Benson Idahosa, a man whom God called and whom I believe so much. Would have simply commented false on all what you said, but I don't disobey men of God immediately no matter how you come, I take time and God to decide. Messager of God as you have called yourself, and I respect that a lot sir?? Could you please tell me some of the evil things that Idahosa did base on your revelation that made him a part of the antichrist as you said…the only point you mentioned that he wanted to do was to take the glory of God, but was that all? And could you please tell me where is Idahosa now since you normally have an encounter with the Lord…what would you say about Idahosa now…?

    Apology if I am being rude or to anxious ?? I am just a christian, who want to know more truth

  2. Hello man of God
    Thank you for your insight, may i ask please.Did God warn Benson Idakhosa before killing him?
    Did he refused to repent?
    Babalola died at a tender age, but what of prophet TB Joshua?
    He also like Babalola, and Idakhosa died at a tender age!
    On my side, i dont judge him, but i pity him that he has laboured that much for Christ and at the end he is cast away???


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