In this video on Billy Graham’s Timeless Advice for Building a Strong Marriage, Billy Graham shares foundational principles for …


  1. I wish sooo bad that this sermon is for me. Too much damage for 23 years and we have lost whatever interest there was…. I was his trophy and co dependent and he broke me over and over. Still legally married but not in my heart whatsoever. I’m sorry Lord…I tried ?

  2. This is the 3rd time- 3 years in a row my husband walks out on me again. I pray God will give me strength, peace and a forgiving heart. The enemy is defeated and i am stronger in Christ, Loving God in all the days of my life no matter what

  3. Im grateful to the Lord for saving my marriage ❤❤❤ We were both doing bad, and getting a divorce, but then the Lord called me to Him, and shortly afterwards He called my husband to Him. So now by God's grace and His mercy we have a Godly marriage. And are trying to guide all our children and grandchild in His ways. Anything is Possible with God❤❤❤All Glory and Honor to Jesus always and forever ❤❤❤????

  4. He has the defintion of adultery all wrong. From a scriptural perspective , adultery is a theft , it is the act of having sex with another man's womanas evidence in the Mosaic sex laws.
    A husband "cheating" is no biblical language at all. You never see that in the Bible. A WIFE being adulterous with a lover is. You can say that a wife cheats , but not a husband because the husband is not accoutable to his wife but she is to her husband.
    Take a look at Numbers 5:11to the end. It is breathtaking how much the Lord sides with the husband 's jealousy but never with a wife's.

    Now , what is marriage for according to 1 Corinthians 7:4 ? For sexual urges.
    God created marriage for sex , so that sex can be practiced inside a frame .
    All the men in the Bible who had more than one woman for their sexual needs cared for those women materially. They did not just have sex one night and then dumped them. This is what God does not like at all. They did marry those women , they committed to rpovide food , clothing and sex ( Exodus 21:10).
    Our Western view is totally flawed and unscriptural as regards adultery since the West justifies the wife's jealousy which is totally wrong.
    If God justifies the husband's jealousy it is because it images his as a jealous God.
    Man is the image and glory of God , the husband images God/Christ on earth.

  5. I had married an unbeliever but still God uses my husband to keep me on the ground and Everyday I become more patient nd understanding ad I choose to wear my identity in Christ. Yes it is not easy because I have to pray alone for our household but then All things work together for good to those who loves the Lord. We will choose whom we will marry, be wise and pray. But if we are married already continue to seek Christ.❤

  6. Christian marriages and families are struggling today because the pulpit has decided to downplay the invasion of demons disguised as humans in families: thebasic unit of society. How do we recognise these disguised demons? Toxic Personalities! Narcissists, Psychopaths, Sociopaths, u name them. Demons in human disguises. It started ever so subtly and the result is what we are seeing today, what Pastor Graham is preaching right now.


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