Billy Graham Message 2024 – The Key to Fighting the Mind – P1.


  1. This hit me, I’ve been a double minded person for a long time. Now I’m 37 and I realize I just have to can’t keep living this way. I will focus on the road that leads to eternal life with God. There’s no other way!
    But it’s a struggle to change your lifestyle for the better. I can no longer go back on my word just to have a moment of pleasure.

    Please pray for me. Thank you.
    Also if you need prayer please let me know. We’re in this together as we are all Gods children.

  2. I ask for each and every one of you to keep me in your prayers. I’ve been given a health scare and I know I’m not worthy of God’s love and mercy for I have been so selfish, living for my own satisfactions and not being an obedient sheep for my Heavenly Father. I also know that this world is getting worse by the day and that the stage is being prepared. Time is running out and everyone wants to argue that their religion is the right one. All I know is that God loved me so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins and that on that 3rd day He rose from the grave and promised that He would be back for His sheep and He ascended up into Heaven. And I believe in Him with all my heart and soul. I pray He forgives me for all my sins and shortcomings. Like I said before, I don’t deserve His love or mercy, but I will praise His Holy name till my dying day.

  3. Please pray for me I’ve been experiencing debilitating anxiety and severe fear due to loss of smell from Covid over 3 years ago ,I loved food too much and God took my smell for a purpose I need your prayers please

  4. I’m angry for being dismissed as a human being. I’m tired of closed doors.
    I love Jesus but I’m tired of this world.
    I’m lonely, I’m lonely !
    I’m lonely and I’m nothing absolutely nothing.
    I’m irrelevant.
    I live with a liar , I live with someone who doesn’t want me .

  5. The battle for your mind! I listen to Charles Standley, the Bible app or Christian literature all night long. At any time I wake up I focus on God’s truth. I want God in my subconscious and in my conscience!
    Sometimes I’ll dream that I’m in person watching the sermon. I started doing this to drown my mind in the truth bcz I got tired of hearing Satan’s lies! Doing this got rid of my anxiety! ❤

  6. Pray for my obstacles, stress it causes, help me bring in the faith as clarity will set along with it. I believe and trust please pray for me. God I pray you help me through this process and hard still time.

  7. Keep me also in prayer as i dont have any peace lots if confusion in my life i have done lits of sins in my life my lord God pls forgive me cleanse me wash me give ne peace take away all my financial problems

  8. Keep me also in prayer as i dont have any peace lots if confusion in my life i have done lits of sins in my life my lord God pls forgive me cleanse me wash me give ne peace take away all my financial problems


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