The full debate between science educator Bill Nye and the President of the Creation Museum Ken Ham runs nearly 3 hours.


  1. "Predict something in nature" <— well if evolution is true, then 140,000,00 human born every year should have evolved into another species or subspecies by now right?? Afterall there were likely only around 140,000 Neanderthals that lived throughout the course of time and they mutated into humans. Why haven't humans mutated into another species with a far larger number of people and genetic mutations?? Why???

  2. There is a seemingly irreconcilable difference of opinion and a never ending debate between ATHEISTS who do not believe in a CREATOR GOD  and those of us who propose that we are in fact the product of an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER or CREATOR GOD…but I suggest that this due to a simple mis-understanding of what we are really saying and I suggest that  this dilemma  CAN be resolved if the non believers try to more clearly understand what we are really  saying. 

    My objective is to spread the word about the true arguments in favor of the existence of a CREATOR GOD, resolve this difference of opinion and bring more people into the family of believers using a line of reason and gentle persuasion and not ram it down peoples' throats. 

    Atheists dismiss Creationists by accusing us of practising RELIGIONS which rely only on BLIND FAITH to believe in what they say is an imaginary, illusionary, mystical and  INVISIBLE  entity which we call the CREATOR GOD… and there is the source of the problem… because this is NOT TRUE. 

    MOST of us more progressive thinkers who argue in favor of a CREATOR GOD completely disassociate it from any RELIGIOUS fanaticism, rhetoric or simple blind faith and base ourselves instead on the incontrovertible, undeniable and irrefutable  solid foundation of facts and the EVIDENCE that we do see. There is still some element of FAITH but it is not " BLIND". To us the CREATOR GOD is a real and tangible entity, a very advanced INTELLIGENCE who designed and programmed this incredible machine with unlimited capacity for self repair and maintenance using a four letter DOUBLE BINARY computer language code to create the operating system which controls every aspect of our being and our existence. 

    When we look at this incredibly complex design of life and see the thousands of detailed computer programs which control it, we feel justified to  say it is illogical to suggest that this is all just the result of random chance which developed  these programs just by the mere  "passage of time" or evolution. Instead, and using an expression borrowed from my thirty years as a trial lawyer, I propose that;

    " The PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF and the BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES make it much more logical to conclude that we are the result of an INTENTIONAL DESIGN and the work of the CREATOR GOD rather than just the product of random chance or evolution" 

    For now it is not necessary to figure out whoever he is or whatever his true  name is or whatever is  the true nature of his being…that does not have to be resolved for now. For now we just have to accept that we are clearly  the result of this INTELLIGENT DESIGNER and not vague, random chance over time and the old argument from atheists about "who created GOD"… is irrelevant for now or for  this discussion. 

    Furthermore, besides basing ourselves on this tangible evidence that we do see, another part of this EVIDENCE comes from the cross-corroborated testimony of the thousands of people of all ages, sexes and religious backgrounds who have had these near death experiences and who all report the same exact facts about their "SOULS" or their ASTRAL form leaving their  bodies and travelling through a porthole to a place of extreme bright light where they encounter beings of pure light or energy including both the CREATOR GOD and the whole heavenly hierarchy of JESUS, angels with wings and deceased relatives.

    We hang people on less evidence so these accounts and testimony cannot be trivialized or dismissed. 

    The bottom line is that we CREATIONISTS are not some dumb, irrational blinded religious fanatics who just believe in an imaginery GOD, but that  we consider him to be a REAL and tangible entity… BASED ON THE PROOF. 

    Q. E. D.

  3. It's terrifying that people still believe in this superstitious nonsense. It never stops there either. They have to hurt others with it, then claim victimhood when someone tries to stop them. Religion is evil.

  4. Turn to Jesus people he died for your sins, Repent of what the New Testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel obey the teachings of Jesus documented in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, be baptized if you have faith in Jesus then you will live life with him as your example. If you need prayer i'll pray for you. If you want to keep contact with a brother in Christ i’ll keep contact with you. The love of God is beyond our understanding. God bless.

  5. Praise God! Jesus Christ is LORD. He died on the cross for your sins and was raised from the dead by God in three days. Only path to salvation is through Jesus Christ. Repent for your sins and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  6. Bill Nye only has a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. He also does so much speaking how can anything he says about his science be credible. He’s a cartoon character, he’s an averagely educated Pee Wee Herman

  7. On the one side, you hope Bill's debating spurs interest in actual science of evolution by creationists. On the other you have to ask is a public science advocate like Bill Nye having such a debate counter productive because it gives an air of credibility to creationists like Ken Ham? Have to lean on the latter. Ham has not changed an iota since then. Bill might as well have had a debate on Thetans with Scientologists or witchcraft with Wicca followers.

  8. If Ham said "nothing" would change his mind he is biblically wrong: Paul says himself: 13If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:13-14

    And yet, Jesus is alive so here we are

  9. Bill Nye won the debate easily, not because he's more charismatic but because he has solid proof backing his reasonable claims. Ken ham on the other hand makes outrageous and bold claims that he backs by either repeating the claim or making even more outrageous and bold claims that progressively make less and less sense. So while science can't prove or disprove the existence of God, it definitely disproves young earth creationism.

  10. “Will the Bible predict the way nature will head” The Bible predicts an apocalypse. My dear friends. The very earth is also overdue on HUGE explosions through the crust itself. There are so many rumors of war and dramas in this world. When Jesus said He is to Return soon, He wasn’t kidding. We must learn what God wants from us and everything changes, inside and out. Don’t let your hearts be troubled so you don’t run like a cockroach when the very TRUTH opens up that we should be different this whole time


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