The production of Calvary drama ministry Ogbomoso. The story of a man who went in search of greener pasture and end up …


  1. I celebrate the anointing of God upon this ministry especially in revealing what is going on in the body of Christ.

    No wonder the Bible says, jugement shall begin in the church.
    And not every one that says Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of God.

    Father Lord help me and purge me completely from any darkness and corruption.

    I want to be useful and make it to heaven at the end in Jesus name amen.

  2. This is a great lesson we must forgive and vigilant and prayerfully and be in the always bravo 👍 💯 may God continue strength and annoiting and also holy spirit 🔥 fire 🔥🔥 the crew in JESUS CHRIST name and amen 🙏🔥


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