Peter King discovers that his father had audio recorded everything that happened in his childhood home. This comes as Pete and …


  1. Oh! Let's go have a pity party. His old man was psycho. He needs to move and get a good job and stop feeling sorry for himself he has a beautiful wife and little girl. He is going to worry about what his Dad did? What a shame wasting life like that.

  2. Hi . If as you say , you have made enough money … , why is it that you want to make more ? Is it that you suffer from greed ? Or , is it that you didnt make enough , and you are therefore a liar . Oh , I see , you wish to share your secrets . Why dont you then , as you have enough money , share for free ? Is it to cover costs of sharing ? Am I missing something ? You are obnoxious .

  3. This movie, opened doors in my heart, that I thought were ok! I too had a father, that wanted perfection, and could never let anything go! I have forgiven him, and followed Christ, but it isn't easy! Only by the grace of the living Jesus Christ, can I do it! He is still living, and still expects everything to be from his children, and not giving of himself! I still reach out once in a while, and hope for the best, to get a response back, but I just have to let it in Gods hands!

  4. The horror of abuse in any form never goes away. My heart goes out to this young man, whether a fictional story or not. I just want to hold this young man and let him cry and cry and cry out all the pain and brokenness. He would be also doing it for me.

    Abuse is so very devastating that most people–including Christians–have a hard time forgiving the abuser and giving God their pain, trusting Him to heal them.

    I write from experience, being an abused person in my childhood. No, not being tape recorded by a machine, but by a person who never saw anything good in me, no matter what I did and remembered to always remind me of it.
    That person is gone–and I am relieved, but the memories never go away. (Edited for spacing).

  5. I seen this little girl playing. Together then I heard a parent say our we ready to get this done I seen a knife a dagger in the parents hand then I heard the child screaming then slient about the Children that were raise in homes that their parents did not tell their children about God they were sacrificing their kids to false idols sailing them to trafficking they were in Hell begging for another chance but it was too late many children past the age of accountability is going to Hell because of following cultures from around the world for lying doing witchcraft Satanism stuff. I seen the sky opening up and people crying out to God but being left behind because of their parents then I woke up

  6. I would have destroyed the tapes without listening to them. Never look back, only to the future with Jesus. Dad had the demon of murder, and mental illness. Pray the mercy of Christ covers us.

  7. Only God knows where we go. He’s the only one who understands the condition of are heart. If we assume then we are placing judgement. At that point We then are saying We are capable of being God. Remember Jesus died for our sins. Definition of Christians is not a perfect person. We will fall sometimes one two or three times. You could even be like me and have lost count (Too many falls to count). Its what we do with that fall that defines us to God. He’s the only One that truly knows us and listens. God is love, he is patient and kind. This world is getting ready to see what it is like without God in it. That hurts my heart because I don’t wish that on anyone. But the devil dose because he has already been sentenced. The devils final act is to take as many ppl with him as possible. Because he is and was Jealous of the relationship he had with Adam and Eve. I know God Knew this ahead of time. It is my belief that God put the tree in the Garden not to temp Adam and Eve but to tempt Lucifer. However God gave free will to Adam and Eve to choose what they wanted. I think this is a good lesson in what happens when you give something everything and they disobeyed God. (On both parts, Angles and ppl). Please don’t take his mark. I say that because I feel it’s getting to the point where it’s too late to ask you to get saved. If we have a mass COVID Die off or Aliens attack those are lies the devil tells. Global warming. That is God taking the devils resources away. Because the devil thought he could do a better job then God! Those are lies the devil tells. Everything on the News right now is propaganda for the New world order. They are taking the food out of stores so you have no choice but to take the mark. Remember it is better to be without your head then spend eternity in damnation. Death is not the end it’s the beginning of forever. Peace or damnation God gave you Free will to choose. Remember nothing is free and it Cost God dearly (John 3:16) I hope this finds you well, God Bless. 🙏 King James is my Philosophy teacher.

  8. This movie implies that the dead are either in heaven or hell…… the Bible doesn't teach that, the Bible teaches that……The dead are asleep in their graves they are neither in Hell or heaven Christs states that death is like sleep Luke 8:52. Ecclesiastes 5:11 states that the living know that they shall die but the dead know nothing, neither do they have any more reward for the memory of them is forgotten.
    If the dead were in heaven or hell when they die they would be no reason for Christ to return to earth and the Bible states that He will return 1 Thes. 4:16 states; For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangels and the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Truth shouldn't be missed with error it makes everything wrong. Study to show Thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Tim 2:15.

  9. Only God the Holy Spirit can empower you to forgive when you are a child of God through Christ. That was what He did for me. I could forgive my hot-tempered father who yelled and insulted me when I didn't get that math equation or when I didn't cook the food well enough. God turned me from a bitter, angry person to a healed, loving daughter. Today, I love my earthly father, only by God's power. Through all my experiences, I get to know and experience the perfect love of my Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. I pray for anyone who experienced abuse to seek and find True Love from God so that you can love and forgive your abusers.










  11. Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.

    That means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.

  12. How loosely we use that word Christian
    Many people do things in his name but
    Not with his spirit
    Jesus leads like a shepherd
    If thou should count iniquity
    Who Lord should stand


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