❤It was A.W. Tozer who said years ago, “What comes into our minds when we think of GOD is the most important thing about us.” I want to say to you who you believe GOD to be, what He is like, is the single most important factor in your life.
High views of GOD lead to high and holy living. High views of GOD lead to exalted, transcendent Worship of GOD . But low views of GOD lead to low and base living.
Really our knowledge of GOD is the continental divide in the Christian life. One drop of water on one side of that continental divide goes down rivers and empties into an ocean of man-centred thinking. On the other side of that continental divide falls rain drops of GOD-centred thinking that flows down tributaries and into rivers and ultimately end up in an ocean of GOD-centred Worship and GOD-centred living and GOD-centred ministry, GOD-centred evangelism. It is the continental divide for how we carry out our Christian lives. The most important thing about you is what comes into your mind when you think of GOD. Please read about the attributes of God. Steven Lawson. God bless you in these end times. ❤
Who else got this randomly?
Praise the lord ?
Who is god?
Why God created us?
How do we get to know God?!
Is there another life after death?!
All these questions were answered by Dr. #Zakir_Naik on YouTube
You will be amazed at the answers ..
❤It was A.W. Tozer who said years ago, “What comes into our minds when we think of GOD is the most important thing about us.”
I want to say to you who you believe GOD to be, what He is like, is the single most important factor in your life.
High views of GOD lead to high and holy living. High views of GOD lead to exalted, transcendent Worship of GOD . But low views of GOD lead to low and base living.
Really our knowledge of GOD is the continental divide in the Christian life. One drop of water on one side of that continental divide goes down rivers and empties into an ocean of man-centred thinking. On the other side of that continental divide falls rain drops of GOD-centred thinking that flows down tributaries and into rivers and ultimately end up in an ocean of GOD-centred Worship and GOD-centred living and GOD-centred ministry, GOD-centred evangelism. It is the continental divide for how we carry out our Christian lives. The most important thing about you is what comes into your mind when you think of GOD.
Please read about the attributes of God. Steven Lawson. God bless you in these end times. ❤
God is good ???