Best Praise and Worship Songs 2022 – Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Musics Praise
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This channel was created with the purpose of responding to the sigh of a person seeking to worship God with all his heart. You will find melodies and inspirations that could be useful for your time of prayer and meditation. Amen!
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Short Good Morning Prayers To Use On A Daily Basis
Best Praise and Worship Songs 2022 – Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Musics Praise
Lord you are saviour, protector, reliever of my sufferings, heartaches incountered in my life. Lord keep me strong as i journey my life thoughout the years with my family circles. Amen
Slv tropa quem não teve tempo de assistir a live eu sempre posto alguns corte da live, tmj
"Não sei se alguém vai ler esse meu comentário, mas desejo que Deus tome o seu coração de amor e que ele preencha seu espírito de alegria e paz. Deus é perfeito sempre
You are watching the video: Tagalog Worship Christian Songs 2022 – Salamat Panginoon Early Morning Praise Songs Lyrics
Thank you God bless me more blessings to come ? Amen pray for the Philippines ? Amen
I'm a muslim, I'm always amazed by how my christian friends worshipping God by singing this song. Now literally crying while watching this video. It's so pure and heartwarming. May peace be upon you
Que o desempregado consiga um emprego que o doente seja curado e quem ler essa mensagem seja abençoado amém ??❤️?
Con esta versión completa el Señor confirmó mi llamado, es increíble lo que genera cada vez que la escucho.
e você tirou 1 segundo para ler esse pequeno comentário saiba que Jesus esta te preparando para algo novo. Amém?
No matter where we live on this planet, we are under a monarchy.
Our God is greater
god is good all the time ?✝️
Yes father God, thank you for not leaving us nor forsake us.
Thank you for your faithfulness and your loving kindness.
Lord. Only you. All glory, all honor all power to you.
Thanks for all you continue to do for us, inspite of our wayward selves.
I request a visit my brothers and sisters my wk place is called HighPower calling center TJ Baja California.
Hallelujah! Glory to Your Holy Name. Thank You LORD for what You have done on our behalf. Thank you for the peace in our hearts & mind. ???
I am a single parent,struggling..a day in my life i wanted to end my life,because i could not handle the losses in my life. Listening, to praise and worship helped me to cope and look up to the heavens..the song" there is power in the name of Jesus" is a powerful much anionting..broke down crying..asking God to break every chain..Hallelujah ,amen??❤️
I’m 9 and my sister is 6 we just lost our dad due to COVID and we listen to this praising a lot. Jesus love us
I love u God
9:32 for me mark
I need prayers please I'm struggling with a little fear and uncertainty ??thank u and God bless
Best worship songs and without the interruption of advertising! Thanks that is appreciate it?? May our Lord and Savior Jesus keep blessing your life abundantly ?
Thanks for sharing! Another song of praise:
THE AWESOME GOD of Glory is always good to me, ALWAYS!!!!!!!!
Whoever is listening this: May your heart be blessed. May all your suffering ends and your wishes come true! Namaste ❤
I love this type of music sometimes God has helped me a lot in life with everything and i thank him everyday for the life i got now i wouldn’t change it for anything
Ιησού Χριστέ ελέησον με ?
My great-grandmother loved this mix. On the 12 of February , I witnessed her pass away. Her last words were,"Lord you are thing of kings" Every time I go to her bedroom i always feel this strong feeling when i am her and i hear her voice callin my name
I had thyroid cancer and god blessed me and healed me thx for this beautiful song
Jesus saved my life i was on drugs 20 years my life drink as well from 14 to 30 of and on i was abuse raped and cheated on beat my family didnt want me was a outcast i let i had hate bitter and hurt other on this darkness and full of demons i was set free in 2020 off pills herion coke molly meth im so blessed not be dead i never felt love until Jesus he is my life now
Thank you Jesus for setting me Free from so much
What a beautiful name that saves a wretch like me.
Thank you God for loving us, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on earth. Amen? Wonderful songs of worship to feel close to our Lord.
I love you lord Jesus amen forgive my sin for what I’ve done to you
Jesus Loves everything in the World ? and ever Won tank you Jesus for everything Amazing jeuse Amen
Best best best best praise for my father
Love you love you love you love you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Love you jesus
Love you love you my father
My father ♥️♥️♥️♥️?♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Amen.. You are a great god that keeps us safe through anything and I want EVERYONE to believe in God.. God just thank u for keeping us alive even though we sin God u will always be with me!
You are my lovely father
You are my lovely jesus ♥️♥️♥️
tae tubol
Good morning my lord
I need prayer pleasee. I feel so sad and alone. I just want to feel loved. Pray I don't fail at school and that my mom is healed. she has severe heart failure. We do not have a good relationship. I want one with her before she dies.
and if it doesn't work out with my mom then that I have some that loves me and I love them and I can talk to them about who I am. Whether it be a friend or a husband. I just need somone
thank you