Best Praise and Worship Songs 2022 – Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Praise & Premiership video: @Latest Christian …


  1. This is not his birthday it's a pagan holiday. Jesus is to Holy to be mocked by a big man with a red suit that loves fire and chimneys. His name is spelled SANTA aka SATAN. He knows when u sleep he is a mockery to the King Jesus Christ. He's the biggest first lie I remember being installed in me as a child. The Bible says all liers will have their part in the lake of fire. And whoever causes these little ones to stumble it be better that a millstone we're hung about his neck and he be cast into the depths of the ocean. No Christmas. But remember daily who was born and died for us. Not a fat man in a red suit. But a Holy King came riding on a Donkey to show His Lowliness, and His humility and Love for humanity. Eternal Love not just physical. God Bless


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