Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 – Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Musics Praise Link …


  1. God has always come thru for me in my time of need ASAP ?. God knows yr need he knows how much money u can handle .money make people do strange things it even make u put god on a shelf . Don't let your bible collect dust

  2. "Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"

  3. I love you and I adore you Lord Jesus! Thank you for your unconditional love for me ,my families and the world!!! Glory Hallelujah Yeshua Praise God ? ? ? ❤️

  4. If you see this comment, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person a little bit happy. This is all I want and wish good health to you

  5. The Lords True name is YAH for short aka Yahushuah Hamaschiach the Son of Man and the Son of God Yahuah Father of all angels come back to Father thru Yahushuah Hamaschiach EL Shaddei and Plead the blood of the Messiah the Christ on yourselves and your sins repent choose life not death DON'T GO ON SUNDAYS anymore for the Love of God please go back home to Father thru Yahushuah Hamaschiach EL Shaddei and Ruach Ha Kodesh Elohim the holy spirit lead and guide you the precious Holy Spirit. Yeshua was his name not pagan Jesus there were no J's in the Hebrew alphabet during the time of Christ . It was Yeshua he shall save his people from their sins.

  6. The pope admits he is the real Antichrist and deceiver please get the word out and spread this message to all angels come back to Father come out of Babylon the Roman Catholic church and the Harlet daughter churches that go on ? day the mark of damnation is what it is when it becomes a law to decide to go or not go on bloody Sunday= Hell. Choose life= Saturdays and Yahushuah Hamaschiach and Yeshua the Christ and the Messiah and his holy blood .

  7. Yahuah is Father Abba GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and YAH for short aka Yahushuah Hamaschiach is the King of kings and the Lord of lord's and King Yah. King James took out the YAH out the bibles and burnt them it was in the bible over 6,670 times.

  8. WWJD but really it's Yeshua WWYD he went to church on Saturdays Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy and the true original commandments and keep the faith of the Saints.May God bless and keep you'll through the only name that saved Yeshua and Yahushuah Hamaschiach The King of kings and the Lord of lord's Yahushuah Hamaschiach EL Shaddei amen Father we ask it in Yahushuah Hamaschiach's name thru the power of Ruach Ha Kodesh Elohim.Amen and Selah to whoever will come.Come.

  9. Esta canción cambió mi vida. Quién me hubiera dicho a mí, un joven "gringo", que hoy estaría alabando a Dios en Español! Sin duda es un video muy especial para mí personalmente. Marcó el inicio de mi ministerio, y todavía no puedo creer que ha sido de tanta bendición para millones alrededor del mundo. Mi oración es la siguiente: "Que tu Espíritu me guíen sin fronteras, más allá de las barreras, a donde tu me llames". Que este sea el anhelo de nuestro corazón el resto de nuestras vidas. Cuantos la escuchan todavía en 2021??¡ Feliz Pascua !


    Hillsong Praise And Worship

  10. Lord come back into my heart. I repent for all my sins. And want to be closer to you. I need you in my life. Show me the way show me the truth & show me the light ✨️ ?

  11. god i ask for u to give me courage to finish my prison time i hv left i know its only four terms but im tired i dont want to rest there in prison can u give me a break ? i love again n dont want to loose it love jesus


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