Best Praise and Worship Songs 2021 – Top 100 Best Christian Gospel Songs Of All Time – Musics Praise Link …


  1. God is with us whenever we go, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit or temple of God, THE Promise of the Holy Spirit, It is the HOLY SPIRIT who Reveals the truth about GOD Jn 14 v15 THE WORD of God is Alive and Active it penetrate even soul and Spirit nothing can be hide in the eyes of God Heb 4V12, The Father in Heaven Give the Holy Spirit those who ask him Luc 11v13 Mat 5V8 Bleesed are those clean of heart for they will see God, Since Gods Spirit Fills the Entire World wis 1v7D, Jesus said, I am the Way the Truth and the Life Jn.14:6, Philip said to Jesus, Lord show us the Father, for all the time we have been with you all the Father is in Me and I am in the Father..


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