FamilyMovie #HollywoodMovie #AdventureMovie #DramaMovie new family movies, new family movies 2021, new family movies …


  1. The best movie I ever saw. It resotores faith in God. Kudos to the film makers. God bless you all. This is what required from the people who can make a change in the world throgh their films, because visual media is so powerful and you have absolutely have doone the perfect thing to turn people towards God. Please continue your good job. God bless us all,

  2. Tears in my eyes pain in my heart because this movie is a confirmation that my healing is coming I've been so sick for years now so many different things keep happening to me one thing after the other after the other right now am just trusting God for restoring my health fully restored my head at times crawling inside my head spread to my feet body my left ears making some noise and it's been year now and I feel like am so tired been to doctors after doctor my doctor sent me to see a physciatrist to help me am scared but I trust God more than anything and I know I will be healed I wanna have faith like this child please pray for me while I pray for myself and healed thank you Jesus it's done am coming out victorious am healed Amen


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