One of the best arguments against people who claim Islam as a religion of war.


  1. This debater went IN. He brought all the cards, receipts, citations, etc. in addition to showcasing a passionate and eloquent case. I have no idea what kind of format this is to allow unlimited time and audience participation, but this was great to watch.

  2. This guy is literally a propagandist for a news network that defends and finances terrorists. Every word he says is a contradiction. Islam is a religion of violence, period.

  3. I wrote a transcript if anyone wanted a written version of it

    Thank you very much Mr President, ladies and gentlemen good evening, assalamu alaikum, lovely to see you all here tonight. We are having a very entertaining night are we not with some very interesting things being said. From the other side of the house tonight, let me begin by saying as a Muslim, as a representative of Islam, I would consider myself as an ambassador for Islam, a believer in Islam, a follow of Islam and its Prophet. So in that capacity, let me begin by apologising to Anne Marie for the Bali bombings, I apologise for the role of my religion and me and my people for the killing of Theo van Gogh, for 7/7, yes that was all of us. That was Islam, that was Muslims, that was the Quran, I mean astonishing, astonishing claims to make in the very first speech on a day like today where the Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is having to come out and point out that these kinds of views are anathema. And I believe that you are trying to stand for the Labour Party to become an MP in Brighton, if you do and you make these comments I’m guessing that you will have the whip withdrawn from you, but then again UKIP’s on the rise, they’ll take you, the BNP, they might have something to say about your views.

    By the way, just on a factual point, as we heard a lot from the second speaker about how “backwards” we Muslims all are, on a factual point you said that Islam was born in Saudi Arabia, Islam was born in 610 A.D., Saudi Arabia was born in 1932 A.D., so you’re only 1322 years off, not bad, not bad start there. Talking of maths by the way, a man named Al-Khwarizmi was one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, a Muslim, worked in the golden age of Islam, he’s the guy who came up with not only Algebra, but algorithms, without algorithms you wouldn’t have laptops, without laptops Daniel Johnson tonight wouldn’t have been able to print out his speech in which he came to berate us Muslims for holding back the advanced and intellectual achievements of the West, which all happened without any contribution from anyone else except the Judeo Christian people of Europe. In fact, Daniel David Levering, the Pulitzer Prize winning historian and the author of the golden Crucible would point out that there would be no Renaissance, there would be no reformation in Europe without the role played by Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd and some of the great Muslim theologians, philosophers, scientists in bringing Greek tech to Europe. As for this being “our university”, I will leave that to the imagination as of who is “our” and who is “their”, I studied here too.

    An astonishing set of speeches so far making this case tonight. A mixture of just cherry-picked quotes, facts, and figures self-serving selectively, a farrago of distortions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations, misquotations. Daniel talked about my article in the New Statesman which got me a lot of flack where I talked about the Anti-Semitism that is prevelant in some parts of the Muslim community, which indeed it is, of course I didn’t say in that piece that it was caused by the religion of Islam, in fact modern Anti-Semitism in Middle East was important from (finish the sentence) Christian, Judeo Christian Europe where I believe some certain bad things happened to the Jewish people. In fact, Tom Friedman, Jewish-American columnist for the New York Times, told me in this very chamber last week that he believed had Muslims been running Europe in the 1940s, 6 million extra Jews would still be alive today, so I’m not going to take lessons in Anti-Semitism from someone who’s here to defend the Judeo-Christian values of a continent that murdered 6 million Jews, moving swiftly on.

    [inaudible question]

    No no no I’m about to make that point, I agree with you, I agree with you 110%, that is my point. I don’t think Europe is evil or bad, I’m a very proud European, I don’t want to judge you but if we’re going to play this gutter game where we pull out the Bali bombing and we pull out examples of Anti-Semitism in Islam, then of course I’m going to come back and say “Well hold on”. I mean look, let's be very clear, Daniel was a last minute replacement for Douglas Murray who had to pull out, and Douglas and I have a well-documented differences but to be fair to Douglas, as to be fair to Anne Marie and to Peter, atheists. Atheists see all religions as evil, violent, threatening, what the problem I have with Daniel’s speech is that Daniel comes here to rant this robust defence of Christianity forgetting that his fellow Christians, people who said they were acting in the name of Jesus, gave us the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Anti-Jewish Pogroms, European colonialism in Africa and Asia, the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda, not to mention countless arson and bomb attacks on abortion clinics in the United States of America to this very day. I would like a little bit of humility from Daniel first before he begins lecturing other communities and other faiths on violence, terror, and intolerance. But I would say this, to address the gentleman’s very valid point here:

    I’m not going to play that game, I don’t actually believe that Christianity is a religion of violence and hate because of what the LRA does in Uganda or what Crusaders did to Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem when they took back the city in the 12th or 13th or whatever century it was. I believe that Christianity, like Islam, like pretty much every mainstream religion, is based on love and compassion and faith. I do follow a religion in which 113 out of the 114 pages of the Quran begins by introducing the God of Islam as a God of mercy and compassion, I would not have it any other way. I don’t follow a religion which introduces my God to me as a God of war, as some kind of Greek God of wrath, as a God of hate and injustice. Not at all. As Adam pointed out, you go through the Quran and you see the mercy and the love and the justice, and yes you have some verses that refer to warfare and violence, this is not a motion about pacifism and I am not here to argue that Islam is a pacifistic faith, it is not, Islam allows military action violence in certain limited context and yes, a minority of Muslims do take it out of that context.

    [comment word limit. continuation in replies]

  4. It takes him over 10 minutest to say, that most people are peacefull, and those in power abuse it. Oxford has to be overrated if this is considered a good debate…

  5. So people think this was GOOD argumentation? I thought it was a cavalcade of the reverse. I cannot believe those things that influence people. I think one of the biggest false myths believed is that human beings are strongly rational creatures. I disagree with that philosophical 'square one'.


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