Best Christian Netflix Movies And Shows, My Recommendations, Binge Worthy Favs And Recommendations 2020 #Faith …


  1. For all the superbook fan now there have season 1 &2 SUPERBOOK GIZMO TOY ✓ FULL SEASON1 13 DVD SET ✓ SUPERBOOK COLORING/ACTIVITY BOOK. Gizmo Toy: Ages 6+ Plastic and PVC 3.25'' H and season2;
    Superbook Season Two Full Set (13 DVDs) Combo (1) Noah and the Ark (2) John the Baptist (3) Peter's Denial (4) Jonah (5) The Fiery Furnace (6) Joseph and Pharoah's Dream (7) Esther For such a Time as This (8) Gideon (9) The Prodigal Son (10) Job (11) Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (12) Rahab and the Walls of Jericho (13) Paul and the Shipwreck – All of Super book season 2

  2. I watched MIRACLE ON CELL NO.7 when I was riding a bus from Manila to my family in Olongapo because I always go home every Saturday and go back to work 3 am Monday. The bus always have movies to watch to make you entertained during the journey. I was really touched by the Movie and I was trying to hold back my tears but the student girl sitting next to me is sobbing and I think most of the females inside the bus are all touched by this movie. But what really shock me is this big hunk guy sitting in front of me, he was really pouring out tears and look at me saying ''I can't help it man, this movie brings out the emotional me", I perfectly understand him because this movie is really emotional.


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