Edwards Miscellanies Online: http://edwards.yale.edu/research/browse Edwards’ Blank Bible: …


  1. I really like this method! I know it doesn't really matter, it's just my curiosity, but is there a strategy behind having 2 leading zeroes (M001) instead of just M1 or even more leading zeroes? Would 1-999 be in a set, and then the next 999 be in a Mb001 set? I'm definitely overthinking it haha, just curious if there was a strategy behind that. Thanks!

  2. I love the simplicity of this system. I've been researching various methods online and was turned off by all the color coding and arts and crafts-type decorating that most women seem to prefer. That's just too busy and too distracting for me. Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

  3. You simply should use excel.😊 your going to end up with way to many notebooks with just misc cross refrence jumps. Invest the time in an excel spread sheet. You can always go back anbinsert thoughts in same place. Make the excel spreadsheet on your computer. Then get a touvhscreen tablet then use a pen on the touch tablet.

  4. I was inspired by this video a while ago and created a new bible study system for my class of 9-13 year olds based on it. We're referring to it as the "moos" and its been received amazingly well. Thanks for the vid

  5. Love this idea. It reminds me a bit of the Franklin Covey planner method (based on Benjamin Franklin) I take a plethora of notes and am constantly searching through them. I will have to research it and see if it will work for me.

  6. This looks like a great way to write notes without completely covering the Bible pages in ink.
    It seems it would be a great way for making study notes in any book, not just Bible study.

  7. Thank youbfor this important study tip! Although the leather hardbound is nice, it is rather expensive. My wife found a similar notebook for about $5 which works out fine. I started using them years ago after reading about them in a Biography about Jonathan Edwards by Iain Murray. It is such a helpful way of keping track of notes, sermons, and general musings. Highly recommend.

  8. something like four 27 gallon totes will store 50 three-ring binders with loose leaf paper; these binders can be for books of the bible; and 1 binder can do Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, were smaller epistles can be grouped into one binder; Thus if I am taking notes on Monday on Nehemiah, then on Saturday I can remove those pages from my note taking binder and go insert them into the proper folder in the proper tote. So I have one binder for "new notes made this week" and at the end of the week I can sort them into the proper binder; Also digitally I have 66 subfolders if my notes are taken digitally.

  9. I have a system…similar to the one you are showing… at this time I am working on my 8th journal…. each journal contains 400 pages… and each page has a heading such as "God's forgiveness"… each journal has a table of contents page.. and in the bible I am using now I have marked in the bible which journal and page my corresponding note to particular verses are located in my journal.. for example if I write a note about John 5:44.. in Journal 5 page 277… in my bible I write next to the verse J5 P 277 I also color code the journal entries for example.. 2 pages black ink.. then 2 pages blue ink.. 2 pages black ink 2 pages red ink…. etc… and so in the table of contents… title of the page shows in the same color that the page is written in… but in the bible I just use black ink to write things such as J5 P 277…

    AND… any musings or thoughts… Not pertaining to a particular verse.. but rather a topic.. I have inscribed on the blank pages of the bible..in the front and back… for instance..

    Journal 1
    subject / page
    subject / page
    subject / page
    subject / page and so on…

    this way every single journal entry is accounted for….either next to the verse or on one of the Journal pages in my bible..

  10. I have that exact journal! I bought it for regular journaling, but because it's too fancy, I don't think I'll ever use it. I'm now planning to start with a hardcover composition notebook.

  11. Matthew, you mentioned that you have other videos dealing with Miscellanies. I can’t seem to find which videos you are refering to. I look forward to watching them. I am a pastor of close to 30 years and would love to add this to my note taking.


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