Benny Hinn Tells Us About William Branham

Benny Hinn tells us Branham’s gift was very powerful. Was it? Was Benny Hinn being honest?


  1. About that man that lied about his sickness, it may have been different ones that Brother Branham was referring to as I know there were several ppl that mocked his ministry and had a terrible end as a result. Brother Branham wasn’t trying to mislead, he may have forgotten what happened to that particular man, but in any case, the man had a bad outcome for what he did.

  2. The bible does not tell us to believe in men it warns us about trusting men just trust the word given since its the true word of god that is clean and will never change this prophet of god never took the glory he gave it to god and always stated that he wouldnt be able to do anything with out the power of god is the message the truth the way of life

  3. FBI and the things from sickness invisible platform,can someone make connection for me,to me its like scientist dissaproving God using creation,I think its time people be told to let footballe coaches be left with soccer

  4. FBI and the things from sickness invisible platform,can someone make connection for me,to me its like scientist dissaproving God using creation,I think its time people be told to let footballe coaches be left with soccer

  5. God will judge you
    William Branham was filled with the holy ghost
    Peter was filled with the holy ghost when Annaias and Sapphire drop dead in the church because of the lie they told
    That bring fear up on the church William Branham he is a true man of God.

  6. Benny sinn is a false teacher of our day.
    Jesus said freely you have received freely give.
    When benny aak for 1000 for you to get a miracle that is simoney this is same thing simone the sorceror did in the book of acts look what thevtrue apostle peter told that sorceror he said you have no part not lot in this matter thinking the gift of God can be purchased with money, saif he was caught up in the gall of bitterness and his heart was not right with God so any man that puts a price on snything that is free gift is not right with God so you can mark them as a unbeleiver and are nit toiching Gods anointed in sny way so dont ever fear these apostles of satan.

  7. Here’s the entire quote

    Now, just with your heads bowed just a moment. How long have you been this way? Hear me now? Can you…Amen. Two years. Yes. You hear? Yes. Amen. He can hear now. Let’s say, “Praise the Lord.” God bless you now. Go on your road rejoicing and be happy. Amen.

    108 [The lady says, “Brother Branham, Brother Branham.”—Ed.] Yes? [The lady says, “He isn’t deaf, he has hardening of the arteries; he can’t talk.”] Can’t talk? Well, he’s sure doing a good job of it now. [The lady says, “There is lots of words he can’t say. He can say some words, but he can’t say all words.”] He’s…Let me see him just a moment. [The lady says, “He can’t say all the words.”] I thought it was your hearing. [The lady says, “No, it isn’t.”] It is his hearing, in fact. It was his hearing; and it’s his speech. Say, “I.” [The man says, “I.”] “Love.” [The man says, “Live.”] “Love.” [The man says, “Love.”] “Jesus.” [The man says, “Jesus.”] Sure you can say it. Say, “Thank you.” [The man says, “Thank you.”] All right. It’s over now. You can go rejoicing. All right. Do you believe with all your heart?

    57-0613E – "Thirsting For Life"
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

    It was the man’s hearing. She didn’t think so but it was that’s what was affecting his speech.

  8. If God, is not the God sent and preached by brother Branham, then I want nothing to do with that false god. Br. Branham showed me the face, and revelation of God. I don't love God because I fear he'll, but because I love Jehovah, and I respect his prophets.

  9. Benny Hinn in this clip did not get his facts right on that man; the late Harold Groves and Billy Paul used to stand on either side of Bro Branham and assist him with the prayer cards; I knew Harld Groves when he lived in India; he was at my 19th birthday party; he stated, under the anointing Bro Branham never made a mistake. We need to be very careful, Bro Branham was just vessel that The Lord used and he said so himself countless number of times. Do not uplift the man because ALL HE EVER DID was to UPLIFT THE NAME OF THE RISEN LORD.

  10. It is NOT nor should it ever be about Bro Branham, IT IS ALL about The Lord Jesus Christ. Bro Branham was just the vessel much like Elijah was and yes, Bro Branham was a prophet and I hold the view that christendom has not seen a ministry like this since The Lord himself walked on this earth… but ALL Glory belongs to The Lord.

  11. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

    Not everyone has ear to hear what the spirit says.,so no matter how hard you try to make them to understand they will never will because they have no ear to listen to what the spirit says and to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life .,so waht you say depends on what tree you are feeding on

    And we don’t fight for the word of God or for His prophets but Him alone fights His battles,so those in favor of perishing because of lack of knowledge let them be 🤷🏾‍♂️

  12. why would you play a part of the preaching from 1957 where he said he doesnt know what happened to the man after playing a part of the sermon from 1958 where he said the man died after 6 months ? i dont know if it was a mistake from your part or u did this on purpose . but lying is a sin if you're trying to prove that someone is wrong especially a son of God . dont invent your own stuff cause on the day of jugement you will have to answer for this . may God help you brother or sister .

  13. A day cometh and behold is close by, when all those that blaspheme the Holy Ghost will want mountains to cover them, and they won’t…Repent, all you that speak against the Holy Ghost, it’s written if one among you says something and comes to pass..we saw Bro Branham prophesy countless times and all was true…Don’t go that way friend, you will be alone at the door of death, don’t attack the anointed one of God, don’t do it..I beg you..leave it alone…May God have mercy…


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