Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke are perhaps two of the most influential evangelists to day, with worldwide ministries.
Its good to see that they talk together as brethren in Christ, and to see their acknowledgement of each other.


  1. A man that never deviated from the true gospel, but he preached the truth till death. Most have deviated and joined the prosperity gospel preachers, God bless your heart.

  2. Benny Hinn does not do anything illegal here! Those who decide they want to support Benny Hinn, making it completely voluntary. Those who prefer to support other mission project, so feel free to do it!
    But stop discrediting all those who choose differently than you!
    Matt.20,10-15 have something to say about this!

  3. Abraham was a wealthy man (Genesis 13,2), Job was a wealthy man (Job 42,12), David and Solomon had wealth. To think that only begging monks are blessed, and that an ascetic lifestyle is a sure ticket to heaven, are not biblical.
    None of us is justified based on status or own works, but only by believing in Jesus, who justifies the ungodly (Romans 4,5).
    It seems to me that self-righteous can always find something to accuse others for. ..and why especially those who win many souls for Jesus?

  4. Thanks for this wonderful video of truth and these men are truly God Evangelist with his voice. Glory to God in the highest and praise his wonderful name, Jesus. Amen and Amen
    5/5 5/5 5/5

  5. Jesus was a faith preacher, perhaps one of the greatest of all time. I understand your caution and concern, there are preachers that are concerned more with fame and making money, I can tell you though that both Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke are the real deal, they are winning souls by the millions to Jesus. Benny Hinn is rich by gives well over half of his money into the Kingdom, don’t listen to them if you don’t feel led in your spirit, just ask God for discernment and he’ll give it..

  6. God has a rich servant Benny Hinn.Reinhard Bonke a clearly poor and simple preacher,we all know that.Both are still God’s servant,saving souls.If you can be effective in saving souls,we will want to give you all the mansions and pte jets as much as you needed or want them!For a soul is worth more than all jets and all mansions on earth.Now which part Jealousied-Christians don’t understand?

  7. I found Reinhard bonkee in last week was amazing speech from bible and after I understood he is with our jesus but for me was late rest in peace with father 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  8. In 1994 I was studying at the Elim Bible College in
    Nantwich, England.

    Along with a few fellow students, I went to a big
    gathering where Reinhard was ministering. At the end of his sermon, as he was
    about to leave the building, I made my way in the crowd. My friends followed. I
    knew I probably would never have the opportunity to meet Bonnke again. We
    spotted him at the end of a corridor. A car was waiting for him. We asked to
    see him. He came over.

    ” We’ve come from Elim Bible College in Nantwich”
    I said to Bonnke. (It was that same College that declined Reinhard’s
    application decades ago. His level of English was insufficient. If only those
    back, then could see what the young man with a strong German accent would

    I will never forget what happened next: Bonnke put his
    big Bible aside and laid his hands on the 4 or 5 of us. He prayed with such

    We drove back to the Bible school that night with a
    new passion to preach the Gospel. That was 25 years ago. I will never forget.

    Yesterday, I was not be standing in front of masses in
    Africa but in front of 150 students from a Catholic school in Dunkerque,
    Northern France.

    I, however preached the very same Gospel. The Good News
    that still changes lives, in France, in Africa, in Asia, everywhere.

    Timothée Paton – December 11th, 2019

  9. Please someone pray for me pray for my heart and my body god bless all of you may god bless you all and keep you and may god make his face shine on all of you and give you all piece and health amen

  10. Shalom! God bless you and your work!
    Jerusalem, a swedish christian hard rock band,
    had a song (decades ago) that was titled:
    Please go on doing so (and if you need a private jet for your work
    – ask God! HE will give you ALL you need;)


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