Hey guys this is a video where I speak on how it is to be a Christian teenager in highschool . I know a lot of people don’t speak …


  1. I've been preaching five books for the last 4 years because of three dreams I almost became an atheist if it wasn't for the dreams.
    I found out Paul was a false Apostle and was taking his books out and in a dream I heard five books, in another dream I heard also the books of Thomas and Phillip after taking books affiliated with Paul out, after taking out the Book of Revelations I see myself tell my kids you know how to read the Bible in a dream, the books I got are Matthew, John, First John, Gospel of Thomas and Gospel of Philip.
    There's many flaws in the bible and I go into details why I took these books out on my website ticertice.com. website has 20 languages to choose from to be translated, I don't ask for any money or donations or help financially or tithings , Facebook Ticer Tice https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011399036855, but for one example in Revelation Our Savior says he's the Morning Star and Isaiah the morning star was cast from heaven in Job chapter 38:6-7 we see the Cornerstone in the morning star in the same verse,and one more example in the last chapter of James it says if you're sick let the elders lay their hands upon you and if you sinned your sins are forgiven, to be forgiven you're suppose to repent and forgive others.
    So because of the five books I'm still Christian and there's many people who have discovered the flaws in the bible and became other religions or stop believing all together, because of the teachings from the five books my walk is easy I used to be sad and lonely basically every day but now I'm happy and I'm not like I used to be back then a backsliding Christian basically every other day.
    I found out recently that we've been tricked ,the church was made upon conquering and killing off Gnostics and destroying Gnostic books which they mention Bride Groom, Bridal Chamber, The Light Within, I even found out Mary Magdalene Was the most loved of disciple and the apostle to the apostles, now I know for you to hear this, you probably think I'm possessed, lying or playing around, but I can assure you I'm not,something interesting I met Our Father in Heaven, our Saviour two times and angel Gabriel in dreams and flew 127 times in dreams, after Gathering the five books ,I was even cured of fibromyalgia when done finding the five books.
    Here's some of my research
    Thomas saying 19
    [19]. "For you have there, in Paradise, five trees which change not winter nor summer, whose leaves do not fall: whoever knows them will not taste death!"
    —- what the prophets said it's still in effect
    Matthew 5:17
    "Don't think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.
    Isaiah 28:12-13
    To whom he has said this is rest give rest to the weary and this is Repose yet they would not hear therefore the word of the Lord will be to them precept upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little there a little they may go and fall backward and be broken ensnared and taken.

    It was propchied the word would be in a mystery puzzle basically, but by dreams and time and help, it is here to be heard before end times, if you believe in the bible, you should take what it says as serious as you do other verses.

    Until this prophecy fulfilled the word would still be confusing.
    Isaiah 6:9-11 9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. 10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. 11 Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,

    Their was a war in 1945, The Nag Hammadi books were discovered in 1946 and the Dead sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 which relate in Scripture with the Greek Septuagint over the Hebrew Masoretic translations.
    Jeremiah 23:28
    The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.
    Apocalypse of Peter,

    And if they say that a dream came from a demon worthy of their error, then they shall be given perdition instead of incorruption."
    "For evil cannot produce good fruit. For the place from which each of them is produces that which is like itself; for not every soul is of the truth, nor of immortality. For every soul of these ages has death assigned to it in our view, because it is always a slave, since it is created for its desires and their eternal destruction, in which they are and from which they are. They love the creatures of the matter which came forth with them."
    Daniel 12:4
    But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
    Matthew 24:45
    Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant? The master will put that person in charge of giving the other servants their food at the right time.
    Be single
    Matthew 22:30
    30 For in the "Resurrection" they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

    Philip 80
    80Resurrection and Baptism
    People who say they will first die and then arise are wrong. If they do not receive the "Resurrection" first, while they are alive, they will receive nothing when they die. So it is said of baptism, “Great is baptism,” for if people receive it, they will live.
    Vegan Scripture
    Psalms 78:27-32
    27He also rained meat on them like the dust,Feathered fowl like the sand of the seas;28And He let them fall in the midst of their camp,All around their dwellings.
    29So they ate and were well filled,
    For He gave them their own desire.
    30They were not [g]deprived of their craving;But while their food was still in their mouths,31The wrath of God came against them,And slew the stoutest of them,
    And struck down the choice men of Israel.
    Theirs so many reasons why I could say why Paul is a false apostle so instead of giving anybody one I just asked a question which no one seems to answer when is the wolf in sheep's clothing close to come and what is the wolf supposed to do?
    John 1:15
    15 “If you love me, keep my commands.
    ——-if you loved it Saviour you'd keep his commandments, no debate .
    What I believe and think the real Christians what killed off labeled gnostics and heresies their books were destroyed the groups of power came up with the scheme to take over to religion put their pagan rituals into our Bible and hide the truth from us.
    Hidden and adding warnings

    Luke 11:52
    Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

    Gospel of Thomas 39
    (39) Jesus said: The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (and) have hidden them. They did not go in, and those who wished to go in they did not allow. But you, be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

    Matthew 16:12
    12 Then the disciples understood that he was not warning them to guard themselves from the yeast used in bread but from the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
    So you could see that we have to be wise as a serpent to realize what our savior was saying they took books out and they added books I wouldn't have known this if it wasn't for the dreams.
    in 1321 a real Christian which are known by Cathars prophesied in 700 years the good man and woman will return, next year us that 700 mark, and many people are having dreams of our Saviour saying he's coming back soon tell his people, and rapture dreams.

    The Cathars is in Southern France and they practice celibacy and vegan life's also that's where Mary Magdalene went to France .
    Something to think about Mary Magdalene and Thomas have went out to preach, so if this accounts are true, they are the original real Christian teachings.
    My recent discoveries are the gospel of the Holy twelve I believe it's the original source and there are similar ones to it but I think it's possible that some of it has been corrupted.
    For new Christians this is a lot to understand and to accept but you have to acknowledge that verses are saying they are still valid and for the older Christians you may know your walk is extremely challenging every other day basically and you probably wonder why you have sadness feel lonely urges.
    I failed many times and if it wasn't for me practicing to be vegan and celibate I don't doubt that I'd still be failing.
    For those who do not know salad bent means to practice and I practice till the day I die so I don't think about trying to be with the woman later and there's scripture that supports this this makes my walk much better because I do not think about the time I would be with a spouse.
    And to be vegan means not to eat anything that was killed not even the way I practice it milk cheese and what I also do practice because of Dreams I do not drink energy drinks or coffee.
    So if you guys want to see how it could be encouraged you guys to try to take them seriously and try the walk for yourselves because it works and saved me from being a repeat failure.
    My Dream
    Dreamed I flew up from a carnival and seemed to be zombies as left the ground and I flew to heaven I guess and door shut like a cellar door and appeared as it closed was a book with golden letters.

    More dreams are on my page that are very interesting and show me I'm on the right path.


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