Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. 1:spiritual life
    2. Stop listening to jokes, godliness is profitable to all things
    3 carnally. Indeed is death
    4.delight the law of the lord day and night
    5.spiritual robustness is the security of our destiny.
    6. Spiritually rooted is essential
    7. Living by the dictates of the scripture.
    8. Work of our hand
    9 study to be quiet. Do your own business
    10 invest your time and resources
    11. You cannot oversee what you don’t see.
    12. Self discipline is the guarantee for success.
    May our life’s be clouded with discipline .
    Don’t suffer as busybody in other men’s matter
    Management of time .
    Benjamin Franklin. Invest your time
    Only Jesus has one coming, we don’t have it
    Once we die, next it is judgement. Redeem the time the days are evil
    Walk in wisdom
    Life is time. Manage your time well invest your time in what is available

  2. No value for time you start losing it…
    Only Jesus has a second coming we all have only 1 since we don't have a spare life Eph 5:16..
    Redeeming the time…
    Someone talking for 20 minutes
    Just check people with correct value for time.
    People should know you for your job where they call you you are going..
    Manage time we'll
    I vest time we'll.
    Resource management: Pro: 18;9
    Pro 13:2
    The heritage of fools is begging
    Luke 16:13 the prodigal son wasted his time and resources
    Every waster today becomes a begger tomorrow..
    The money people spend on phone is enough to feed family…no budget, free spending. Pay as budgeting. We have a wasteful culture there are levels should be banned on telephone
    Take responsibility it is the pathway to a successful ministry
    "Any body crying is inside that budget. Life is in phases and men are in sizes

  3. Hi Fam,
    Kindly note that the video used for this message is not the original video of the message. We couldn't find the video, yet we couldn't resist sharing the message with you. Instead of using random cinematic backgrounds that may seem mundane, we thought it wise to just use any video by papa. Hope the message blesses you. Remain ever blessed!

  4. Pastor tell your members what to do to be saved and not to succeed.These kind of.preaching is not centered on Christ and His will for people to be saved rather preaching prosperity,materialism and success,What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his own soul?


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