From small-town America to the heart of New York City, Becoming Sons & Daughters tells the stories of people who are stepping …


  1. d Bible in d Old Testament [ d Old Covenant or promises made by 2 sides] talked quite often @ God as a' Father to d fatherless' 4 which when Jesus came @, He tried to show us d Heavenly Father that d scripture foretold. If He has taken on His task of revealing d 'Father" without d backing of scripture, then we can regard Him as an unreliable liar.
    d Bible never mentioned ' mother to d motherless' or ' father to d motherless' or even 'father to d orphans'. Scripture
    never wasted its time with other ideas that decentralised scripture's topics.

  2. What is heartbreaking & heartwarming story. So much of it I could relate to! Too much to comment on now.
    Thank you for sharing this movie & I pray more good families decide to do the same & give more children a home that’s full of love & faith in Jesus Christ! πŸ’“πŸ™β€οΈ

  3. Shalom! πŸŒˆπŸ’ I "dislike" this particular video, o beloved Christian Movies, for "the just shall live by faith;" and "obedience is much better than sacrifice;" etc. [HalleluYAH!]: And faith is rooted completely in on both the Word [LORD JESUS], and the written Word [Holy Bible], Amen. Behold, many shall be "left behind" of "lack of knowledge" – that is "accurate knowledge pleasing before our living Holy LORD God; Yet NOT all is lost – for many which were left behind shall be given a "last chance to fix themselves (their souls' conviction,) in the great tribulation, and of wearing sackcloth,: And in that day every soul shall know the ALL- IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE between "intentional" [presumptuous] sinning, and the INNOCENT unintentional, Amen. Selah. DANIEL 12.1-3; 1 JOHN 5.16-18; etc. HalleluYAH! Peace/Shalom πŸŒˆπŸ’πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ’Žβœ¨

  4. 02:40 Can we say "we love our neighbours?" You CANNOT LOVE BLASPHEMING NEIGHBOURS (neighbours you've kindly, RESPECTFULLY, APPROACHED; WITH THE GOSPEL APPROACH TO THAT, MANY TIMES, HalleluYAH!); LEST YOU BREAK THE WORD OF GOD YOURSELF, Amen. Shalom! πŸŒˆπŸ’ I "dislike" this particular video, o beloved Christian Movies, for "the just shall live by faith;" and "obedience is much better than sacrifice;" etc. [HalleluYAH!]: And faith is rooted completely in on both the Word [LORD JESUS], and the written Word [Holy Bible], Amen. Behold, many shall be "left behind" of "lack of knowledge" – that is "accurate knowledge pleasing before our living Holy LORD God; Yet NOT all is lost – for many which were left behind shall be given a "last chance to fix themselves (their souls' conviction,) in the great tribulation, and of wearing sackcloth,: And in that day every soul shall know the ALL- IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE between "intentional" [presumptuous] sinning, and the INNOCENT unintentional, Amen. Selah. DANIEL 12.1-3; 1 JOHN 5.16-18; etc. HalleluYAH! Peace/Shalom πŸŒˆπŸ’πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ’Žβœ¨


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