Be careful who you fall In love with | Billy Graham sermons #billygraham watch full sermon here …


  1. I recommend Billy Graham for the world 🌍. He is America's Moses of modern Times. America is Free 🦅🛡️ because of Billy Graham. Who can continue on in Billy Graham's place? We need a Christian leader. Amen
    Click my icon for holy music and hear Angels singing 🎶🌠 for real. It's a miracle of JESUS CHRIST! Thank Billy Graham. I sing about you in my song:
    " Never Bowe to the baal-anti satanic."

  2. Unfortunately you don't get a choice in who you fall in love with. That's why it's called Falling in love. But you DO get to choose whether or not you do something about it if it's not the person God sent for you. If you act on something you know in your heart did not come from God and the person's behavior doesn't line up with 1 Corinthians 13, and especially if they are not a Christian, that person is not from God and not for you


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