Gospel Music
Gospel Hymns


  1. So appreciate old school. Specially when it reminds me of the church I grew with and became a Jr. Minister. Life and military changes us, but I never forget where the greatest Creator took hold of me. Many blessings to us all.

  2. In times of crisis sitting at the hospital, hymns give me comfort and peace. Most of all the name of Jesus is like being wrapped in the softest blanket and being held by mom. That comfort and security that I used to feel when my mom would hold me, pray with me, and sing hymns to me. She is gone now, but that is the closest thing I can think of, the feelings that the name of Jesus invokes.

  3. I have been playing this for my mother at the nursing home. She has dementia. They called like 3 weeks ago and gave her 3 days to live. I’ve been playing a lot of Alan Jackson’s songs to her. She seems to enjoy it and I usually leave in tears. Enjoy your mother’s while you can. Thanks to Alan Jackson, I’ve always enjoyed his music.

  4. Nancy i hear you loud and clear. May the Lord take the lead and fill fully the missing gaps in your life and he will if you stick and look up to him. I pray for you Wisdom and strength at all times. Thanks for sharing. Its so touching 🙏


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