BE IT UNTO ME (WORD SESSION) WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN To give, please click the link below …


  1. What a man of God, I have been immensely blessed by your words🙏 May God keep you, bless you, uplift you and make all you do flourish beyond human imaginations. May all the spiritual grace and favour never leave you. You are a true treasure of Gods people. In Jesus Name🙌🏽🙌🏽

  2. so beautifull Encouriaging words you are giving to us Apostel Joshua Selman. 📖❤️📯.i only want to share in the the Bible that i have its written translated from Dutch Johannes 17:3" Dit nu is het eeuwig Leven ,dat zij U kennen ,den enigen,waarachtige God en Jezus Christus ,dien Gij gezonden hebt " to English it says "John 17:3 " This now is The Eternal Life that they Know You the One Treu God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent " without the "might " i go and pray and ask Jesus and The Holy Spirit to confirm if this is correct or not in my Bible ,please pray for me pray for eachother brothers and sisters ,i Trust The Holy Spirit the Comforter shall guide us all into all Truth .

  3. Amen I Recieve Everything that Apostel Joshua Selman is spoke and have prophecied in agreement with every word That Proceeds out of The Mouth of God .And i Pray and Speak God His Will Be Done in Apostel Joshua Selman Life and The People of the Conregation Koinoina Ministry and His will bring Glory To God and Jesus Christ .

  4. 33:2834:39 💪🗣️📖❤️📯📯📯📯📯📯📯📯📯📯📯📯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗺️ so beautifull 😭🥲 💪because we non of us dont know the total and real condition of the souls of the Great Harvest when they come in a conregation to hear the word or when they hear the a message online in different parts of the World untill we get to know someone but even more when The Holy Spirit Reveals it to you and this is what i believe God is asking from all of His Children to give our best and He can Help us with that and He knows each of His Children with their unique gifts when they give their best and we should Give Our Best To Him Who Is Holy because He Our Father In Heaven deserves it and when Jesus knows ( not man ) that you do give all you can with the strenght wisdom and Love of God i belirve The Holy Spirit will move trough His Children in a Mighty way to draw those souls To Him Jesus and Our Father In Heaven. 📖📯

  5. Somethimes i do certain or dont do certain things because some things give some people food to mock untill the day The Holy Spirit The Comforter and Jesus reveals why i did and do and dont do certain things .And it is in this promise that He told me wich is being confirmed by what Apostel Joshua Selman said and that is that God will Bring and end to the Mockery and Shame In God His Children their life Amen . yes i believe it in my life to not Only The Mockery and Shame but also the bullying and the uncovering of my shame in my life Jesus Told me" this what you and also some others are going trough is not of my Kingdom and remember that no matter what Happens and i am comming back soon . and He Told me those who are going trough it to you will meet them soon remember There will be one flock In Spirit and In Truth because they also like you want this to stop and it Will in Jesus Name .🙇🏻‍♀️♥️📯📖.

  6. So beautifull what you said about the stories of Job and Ruth .📖🥰📯♥️🗣️ . tears of Joy already came down when everytime when i see His Children and His Servants Holding up The Foundation of the Truth that will set Us Free ,Truth of The Gospel of Jesus Christ .Thank You Father in Heaven and Lord Jesus for the Work you are doing trough Apostel Joshua Selman .📯📖♥️


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