Be a better parent by partnering with your teen | David Kozlowski | TEDxSaltLakeCity

After 20 years of working with parents and teens struggling to relate to each other, David Kozlowski realized that a partnership is …


  1. How does TEDx Talks have over 22 million subs but gets barley any views on their videos?

  2. As teen who has worked with my parents through this advice I can promise you it works, I always had a hard time trusting my parents and now I feel like they truly are my greatest supporters.

  3. Be a better parent by dropping your anger and being a living example to them.
    If you need to partner with your child that only shows you are not the living example to them that they need.
    You SHOW your children how to be, you don’t TELL them.

  4. I went to Carlsbad High School with this guy. He was the quintessential arrogant, cocky jock & teased everyone. Provoking many insecurities in his classmates and friends. Still likes to hear himself talk.The way he used girls during high school and after was abhorrent. Moved away to Mormon land and created a new persona. 🙄 Don't buy it.

  5. I'm a parent of teen
    I'm willing to own up to things I've been doing wrong with my teen I'm open to change
    My partner is dad
    Is kinda on board but
    He is full of put downs
    I've tried to explain to him
    This is damaging
    He's unwilling to hear it
    We end up in fights
    Because of this conversation
    It takes 2 to parent
    It's hard when one is really on board and the other is stuck
    In the cycle he grew up with

  6. 1. Parents and children are NOT partners; one is the teacher one is the student.
    2. Partners typically are of the same level developmentally. Kids limbic and logic centers are not fully developed and not in alignment.
    3. 3 words … SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION. Kids DO NOT have the psychological tools to handle the issues presented via social media and from our experience they do not have the mental or emotional capacity to differentiate between: entertainment and real life. Apps such as he mentioned along with those such as Tik Tok are way beyond their emotion and mental maturity.
    4. We have 2 teen girls and absolutely NONE of this gentleman's ideas have worked.
    5. REAL life decisions DO NOT give consequential choice. If we get caught speeding, the officer is not going to ask which of these consequences do you prefer; a $175 ticket or wash your spouses' car. As parents one of our responsibilities is to teach this hard lesson which is all wrapped up in; responsibility, accountability and boundary respect … by 'partnering' with our kids we abdicate those responsibilities.

  7. Parents are supposed to be the therapists
    That means they were supposed to have seen that kindness of someone BEING a therapist for them
    If they haven't they will probably think the world sucks and they won't control their reactions, reflecting on others what they themselves have seen.

  8. I have a question so my 15 yrs old friend looks up and loves me like a father she doesn’t love her own dad anymore and I opened myself up to her saying I’m willing to be there for you and she actually said I love you to me I didn’t have words to say what should I say to her we are states apart but what do I do or say


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