The conclusion.


  1. This is the greatest lesson that's happened to me without realizing that I submitted to the devil. Thanks to movie l have repented from my wicked ways. God bless you MIGHTILY son of the most high GOD. The movie really changed my walk with the lord. I am now a new creation in the Lord.

  2. Femi was living a wayward live and they were complaints,Femi gave his life to Christ and began to live a new life in Christ and I still heard statements like "he is now one of those born again people or whatever ever" They are many in house of God today who are still living a fifty fifty way of life. Night club on Saturday, Church on Sunday. And they call it freedom.

  3. Oh God! This is a revival movie.

    It resonates and causes us to reflect on our lives. Thank you so much for reviving me.

    I know I don't have a mentor or weekly coach who grooms me on the word but I have learnt that I need one.
    I prefer listening to messages online, worship etc and having my quiet time. But my eyes has be opened to not neglect the gathering of the breathen while I pray for God to give me a mentor.

    Thank you so much. I have been pierced through hard and it's God's way of pointing out my flaws.
    God bless you

  4. This film ministration was a blessing and a gift to this world. The song was ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ. There are so many souls that are struggling in their walk with God. There are many believers that are living a double lifestyle. God has sent forth His vessels to preach the Gospel but because of fear, disobedience has creeped in. Lord have mercy on us. Father give us the grace to stand firm and to be obedient to your instruction. Honestly, it is a joy to know the Lord and to tell others others Him. I thank God for the grace He gives me to preach the Gospel. Whether in the car with Uber drivers, university, on the street, social media, in my family, it has been an experience and it is grace that has carried me through. We must tell others about Jesus ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ. God bless you all. May the Lord continue to use you all.


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