Basic Level SOUND DESIGN in Premiere Pro | Tutorial

Today we’re breaking down how to do BASIC level sound design using backing tracks and sound effects in adobe premiere pro to …


    You are the man!
    Best of all time on YOUTUBE for multimedia publishing.
    You are a GURU, passing on the info.

    Most talking is always in the key of A, and in the mode/structure/scale of Minor Pentatonic in the key of A.
    It's so easy learn guitar with a 5 string bass and just sit in key of A and copy/emulate the phrasing around you.

    Nov-Jan = Training through the JACK COLE system/method, multimedia JEETKUNDO or like AIKIDO in universal way of being. You are the man!

  2. Sing inwards, sing your words furiously thrown down your lungs and they reverb back out.
    I am worldclass for real.

    I used the Tibetan Throat Singing Method I saw on a Documentary in 2005/06 and mastered this in 2006-07, everyone can create music/sing. Have fun!!


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