Jen Burgess is estranged from her sinister sister, Cassie, but when Cassie reappears and attacks Jen she is sent into psychiatric …


  1. This was a superb movie! I just really hope it's Quinn in the end even tho it's one actress playing 2 roles. But just for movie sake?

  2. I don't understand. Why she's trying to adopt her sister's kids. I mean her sister is alive or hasn't ran off. Shouldn't she just go to court and explain the reason she's requiring temporary guardianship since the mother is in treatment trying to get better. Sometimes I swear some movie plots just aren't realistic anymore.

  3. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven "I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the father but by me." John 14:6

  4. okay, but how is it legal for some one declared insane and living in a mental institution to sign a bunch of papers? aren't you supposed to be of sound mind before signing any documents? and also — so glad Quinn is the nice twin. : D


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