This enlightening video explores the essential factor that sets the stage for flourishing marriages. From fostering effective …


  1. Haha women leave their fathers easily and they learned it from the first mother Eve who was the last to be created yet the 1st to sin. It's not in their nature to be loyal, they have to be taught that, and even then, a Prudent woman only comes from The Lord. We wonder why almost 50% of marriages in the Western world are failing, it's because women are trained to be mothers, not wives. They are not trained to be loyal, so why would 1 in 2 women not file for divorce at one point or another, why would their marriages succeed? This is all Biblical. Men set your sight on a wise and prudent woman, work on yourself as well, and through God's Grace all marital problems will be solved. This is not rocket science, many of us just choose inaccurately.

  2. Please I need help🙏🙏 I made Her very angry and i made sure she knew i was deeply sorry.

    But her attitude towards me has changed for a long time she calls me online when she needs something call her call is request. She has never ask hw are u ever since then she her cold towards me no communication. My question is what should i do? Should i stop meeting up her needs cause thats the only reason she calls me


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