Many proponents of the Azusa Street Revival claim that mighty miracles took place, including incredible healings and even the …


  1. Not sure if the April 18 1906 earthquake was after this began; interestingly when the LA article came out.. but surely it could have been a warning from God…not sure if anyone had some word on that coming at the time or not. The so called "holy fire" supposedly occurs in the Orthodox church where Jesus was supposed to have resurrected every year; clearly suspect in origin. There surely should be grief over conviction of sin causing sadness as a real manifestation of the Spirit (such as occured in the 18th century revivals). I am not sure about what teachings existed and doctrine; clearly chaos seems to be something prevalent in these type churches; against Corinthians and the admonitions for all things to be done in order. Very depressing; nonetheless needs to be presented. A good thing to investigate for truth (hopefully) is the businessmen revival in NYC which started I believe with a lunch time Bible study. Can't remember offhand the name; but apparently it caused Sunday liquor stores to close and many thousands or tens of thousands became involved with these Bible meetings.

  2. I've been in alot of revivals throughout the years I saw first hand skin cancer fall of a ladies nose and their was 56 notable and written down miracles of healings. The lord gets all the glory and honor for it.

  3. Isaiah 55:8&9 look at some of the old time prophets what they went through Ezekiel is just one example I'm aware of false brethren making it a show but be very careful calling things the devil and the spirit of God is moving.

  4. didn't Jesus heal people & cast out demons? wasn't the commission to HIS Disciples & the Church to spread the good news & cast out demons? so is it real or are we to doubt everything done in the name of Jesus? I'm not saying I know whether healing or casting out demonic spirits took place through Jesus by way of the Holy Ghost – but isn't it possible? I don't know of any current churches in Missouri that do that. how can someone confirm whether it is really from God or Satan?

  5. ——————- DO you People Understand the Consequences of Blasphemy…!??!…
    Azusa was ONLY the tip of the Spiritual OutPouring ICEBERG…that will sink the ship of FALSE Teaching…
    the Greatest Spiritual OutPouring the World Has EVER on the DOORSTEP….
    Acts 2:17 – "And it shall be in the last days, YAHWEH says, I will pour from My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

    2:18 – And also I will pour out My Spirit on My servants and hand maids in those days, and they shall prophesy.

  6. Everyone must remember the old joke that if the King James version was good enough for Paul it is good enough for me. NOONE in the bible had THE bible so when it was completed it became a record of God's witness to the Jew first and then us. It is complete we believe God can do anything He wishes but He already proved that. Now we believe because His Word testifies to that fact. The lust for outward signs is as when Christ himself said that some seek a sign but there will be no sign but that which already was given. If we need to see signs and wonders to enhance our faith, our faith is shallow or non existent requiring constant updates. Those silly songs like "Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me" or "Holy Spirit you are welcomed here" when He in in us as His tabernacle. The Pentocharismos have a lot to explain, I would not like to be there.

  7. I went to a church where the pastor asked everyone to speak in tongues… When they all started I thought they all sounded like gremlins… It was so chaotic and ridiculous… No one was interpreting, it was absolutely demonic… Then they said I had a Demon!!! Crazy nutters is all I can say… I was absolutely horrified by there behavior and they all thought they were super spiritual and talking to God… Craaaaazy!!! It was out of control… Same church thinks that the covid vaccine is the mark of the beast! I only hope that the pastor can humble himself (no chance of that, he doesn't even understand the bible, can't read and is highly controlling and money hungry… Thinks he hears from God… But dosn't, lives the high life while his congregation lives in poverty and tithes to him because they think they will be blessed if they do??? Craaaaazy!!!). He is leading everyone astray!!! I've listened to his sermons and they don't make any sense whatsoever!!! I can't believe people listen to this rubbish!

  8. Pastor Jack Hayford said on one of the anniversaries of Azusa Street something to the effect of: "Azusa was the most important event since the inception of the church."

    I think you guys make an excellent team for this type of ministry. Allow me to suggest a couple of things:

    1) When you say "So and so performed a miracle" or "So and so received the baptism of the Holy Spirit" it sounds like an authentication of the event. Could you say 'claimed to' or do 'air quotes' when you say things like that? See John 19:19

    2) There is no need to sanitize/censor/edit language in historic documents like newspapers. It really detracts from the reality that you are attempting to depict. Let's not emulate the ridiculous cultural trend. We are all adults here.

    Thank you for this channel- I am really getting alot from it as a former charismatic.

  9. Tommy Barnett, one of the biggest narcissists out there, says the Dream Center from ARC was birthed from Azusa Street. Thanks for this video. This will help in my research.
    And that black and white is BRILLIANT!

  10. The Bible says test every spirit not every miracle go and do findings on those miracle workers their personal lives what they do how they lead their lives because it is from their attitude we will know whether those strange things as you guys said was from the devil remember the Bible says he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not to men but to God it that same Paul you quote let's be honest bring us proofs that shows that those miracle workers were from the devil stop giving God's glory to the devil

  11. I've been listening to you and I kind of like a lot of the stuff that you've revealed about the so-called Ministers of God or generals of God you calling him because somebody coined him that the road books about them I know a lot of them are iffy but I'm going to tell you something about Sigmund the black guy from Azusa Street if I were you I would not say nothing bad about that guy when I was younger years before I ever became a Christian I wasn't looking up anything about God I looked up stuff and I saw it about Sigmund I didn't look it up for Azusa Street or any of that I was just looking at it because there was propaganda in this book made by the made by the klu Klux Klan and it showed Sigmund with fangs it showed him looking down his wife's shirt and showed a bunch of stuff that just was not true it was all white propaganda against Sigmund I'm a white man I am white but I'm telling you you shouldn't say stuff against this guy because he may have had the real thing these other ones I question but I would not question Sigmund it was a good man and he was genuine

  12. Oh and by the way if you do your research why don't you do it right instead of looking at pictures of papers old papers that hated black people back then you even said so yourself they were very prejudiced so they'd say anything about him because he was a popular black man so of course they're going to have bad things to say and about that church being smelly when Sigmund got there what's that to you isn't it your business that they had to clean it out because it stunk what are you bringing that up for not to mention did you know the reason why it's stunk is before they bought it to use it for a church it was a horse stables a horse stables a horse stables that's why it smelled do your research do your research

  13. Really appreciate these videos. Could you do some to explain how the tongues error made it into the mainline churches? I know it started with Dennis Bennett in the Episcopalian Church, but how did it spread so completely? Was it pastors who took it to their own churches? Church members? How did it happen?

  14. At the very end of this video, you mention that Seymour had questioned if he truly believed in tongues. Do you have a link to where you read this? If you could put up a link to this as it would be pretty strong evidence against the Azusa St Revival.

  15. Hello, this caught my attention because of remembering Carleton Pearson speak highly about it. He was pastor at higher dimensions in Tulsa and associated with oral roberts University. He also spoke highly of Katherine Coleman. Will you do a podcast on her?

  16. wow now were bashing the azuzu streeet revival ,,,well when it comes to healings i can attest that in our church locally here in ohio we have documentation of a couple of people that one was healed from being blind and another having a leg that was extended we actually got it on tape or hdd whatever the point is i agree with u on some things but not on everything , when it comes to news organizations theyve never reported anything on any revival except brownsville and even then it was only on the amount of people that showed up, so i feel u guys are not giving a exact reperensation of azuzu or its leaders but with all your research like anything im sure you will find negative stuff on those individuals ,personally i wasnt there neither were you but i think u guys are just looking for anything that seems to contradik the word of God, in my oppinion all your doing is creating dought and confusion and also if and when the Lords glory or a revival should break out in todays society im sure you will be there to find some type of fault with it, yes there will be some crazy stuff that happens thats not biblical but does in know way should be a reason to say it was not a revival anyway when it comes to the times back in the 1900,s people back then were more dignified and not opened to anything, i dont know for everything there will be people who believe and those who dont and those who find fault , the bible is being used and interpreted in so many ways on everything, but i will say this i agree to a point that im sure there is always some type of silliness or stupidity or sin going on at the same time the revival is going on thats just satan trying to fake a thing and distract from the real thing anyway im sure im a fool and dont know what im talking about

  17. At salvation, a person receives the Spirit of Christ, which is, most clearly, The Holy Spirit. If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

    Also, the kingdom of God comes to a person at salvation. The kingdom of God cometh not with observation, so, naturally, there should not be any outward evidence expected, as that would constitute the Kingdom of God coming WITH observation.

    The 4 times the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was mentioned in Acts had signs, not that the people had received the Holy Spirit individually, but rather, that the Holy Spirit had been given to people of all the kinds mentioned (i.e. Jews, gentiles, proselytes from John to Jesus, etc.). The only real evidence of being filled with the Spirit is the love you have for the brethren. And, that is judged by individuals over time.

  18. I have never been to a "church" in America that follows the Bible passage you shared about all may prophesy. Pastor Kings in our compromised religious machines would simply not allow it. Nimrod is in control of any assembly where a person called Pastor (again, in direct disobedience to scripture) is the one who can speak, or permit others to do so.

  19. Hello! Love your videos. You guys are doing a wonderful job. I do want to speak about the challenges you’d faced locating articles on Azusa Street. As you mentioned earlier these events occurred during the Jim Crow Era. You’re not going to find stories about black preachers in the major newspapers at that time. You may find them in the black newspapers. There was a major newspaper called the Chicago Defender, but it was founded in 1905-06. Check the Baltimore Afro-American newspaper for starters. It began publishing in 1892. Again, I love what you two are doing for the body of Christ.

  20. I am sorry to say I was caught up in this same scam for many, many years. I actually knew of books and cassette tapes (yes I am pretty old) that explained in detail what really happen yet ignored the truth of the matter. In later years I grew hungry for god an had to face the fact I was living on the "frenzy." I was living on the dopimene jolt you get from going to a church service and all H breaking lose and saying to myself: "wasn't that a might move of god?" It never was. I said it, it never was. I always had to convince myself something happened but was all emotion and hype. Now things are better! I am at peace before God. I study God's word in a peaceful manner. No more screaming into the microphone! God is good and He waits for us to leave the hype and seek His face!

  21. Gibberish : hindu worship , buddhist temple mediums , pentecostal – charismatic christianity.

    Is there gibberish in acts 2 where Tongues was first manifested ? No
    Tongues as in an earth language for evangelistic purpose.

  22. I think there's false anointing and that's how people will be deceived by the antichrist. I was in a Todd Bentley meeting before I knew better and he touched my forehead and I felt a power that knocked me down. It was real but that doesn't mean it was of God. We can't base our faith on experience, only Gods Word.

  23. I find the gynocentricity of the charismatic movement interesting. I was involved in charismatic churches years ago and found there was ALWAYS a "prophetess" who would take over meetings at will. Women as preachers, women as prophets, women as pastors…it just seems to me that the feminist movement found (maybe created) a pseudo-Christian home in charismania.

  24. Consider the church in Corinth and all their mishaps, I am pretty sure that church would be called fake and a video would be done about them. The church in Corinth was a mess but their messes didn't translate into making everything fake.

    You people have an issue with Bible verses that you do not believe and end up saying others are fake because you do not believe certain verses. I am talking about miracles, some say miracles are gone and base it on certain books and not the Bible.

    It is good that you judge the bad but it's misdirected when you also judge Biblical things because you do not believe them.

    Anyways, what was, what we've termed "the Great Commission"? I assume you have an "issue" with "the Great commission" itself.

  25. Greeting brother and sister Long. I was waiting to hear whether there was some criminality, fraud or insensitive agression at the Azusa Street Revival – thanks for exposing the real charlatans that your other videos do so historically factually.

    Nevertheless, I'd like to state, without going into many Scriptures and testimonies, that the appearance of the so-called 'shekina glory' is real and has been witness on at least two occasions (one at a Blacks church service and the other at a Mighty Men conference of Angus Buchan, the genuine evingelists of Faith Like Potatoes fame).

    Otherwise, the noise or disorder that were reported about are evidence that the power of the Holy Spirit was present there, as it was in the book of Acts chapter 2 – with the believers seeming drunk. I'm grateful that the Holy Ghost led you Longs to 1 Corinthians 14, etc. Those Scriptures attest to the fact that the Holy Ghost was so mighty in the Corinthian church of novice Christians, that there was a need for Paul to bring orderliness.

    Unfortunately minister Seymour hid in his box instead of bringing order. And even more unfortunately, the real hypocrite, Parham, was too racist and carnal to assist him.

    Brother Long, I totally understand that you can't fathom how God would do and allow such Acts as we're taking place at Azusa, because you are so Word-based and mind-oriented and spiritually unaware of such power – of the sort Christ and his Apostles and numerous revivals in the world over the Christian Age – that, like the Sadducees or typical non-Pentecostals or Seminary theologians, you talk about what is foreign to your experiential comprehension.

    Hence, as an academic Pentecostal I'm to establish an institute (Light of Life Christian Institute) for Apologetics and Eschatology, to explain the spiritual to the sceptics, and the Theological to the spiritual. Don't hesitate to contact or assist me how you can at or

  26. While your wonderful research is highly commendable, We should all be reminded of a very similar scene described by the apostle Paul at Corinth. For it seems they were also quite extreme in the early churches. just as they were out in Topeca. Kansas when they were to first to experience what they called the baptism of the Holy Ghost and it traveled to Los Angeles, and then was taken around the world. Even here in Sweden and in Norway were Penecostal churches established unto this very day.
    I myself spoke in tongues when The Lord Jesus filled me with the Holy Spirit.
    While it was the case that I personally stopped speaking in tongues after my deep study of what Paul taught, saying that whether there be tongues they would cease, yet, i feel that it is was something which God used to spread the news of the infilling of the Spirit and I cannot deny something which God has done,

  27. I need YouTube to stop suggesting your videos. I won't even watch them because they rob me of joy& have the tendency to make me angry. I'm aware that the warfare is not carnal but spiritual. I know it's the spirits that are at work in people not the actual people. Its still hard sometimes to seperate the 2. Those spirits are all over yall. They even show up in your outward appearance!! Azuzu Street is a powerful well known revival era& its NO SURPRISE SATAN WOULD COME AGAINST IT TOO. Shame on yall for giving a platform to the ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN & THE FATHER OF LIES. YOUR PUPPETS THAT NEED TO BE REBORN& FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT!! ITS OBVIOUS YOU DONT HAVE IT CUZ YOU COULDNT BE MORE WRONG!


  29. Thank you so much for this enlightening perspective that comes from many witnesses! Sounds so much like a mental ward gone berserk. I used to smile over youth doing the "holy Pogo". Not anymore! Self control comes from the Holy Spirit, not loss of control. So appreciate your Bereans study style. God bless and keep up the good work.


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