Azusa Street Revival Eyewitness Accounts-Pentecostal History

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  1. Praise Jesus! I believe in Acts 2:38. I been serving the Lord since I was 15 – 16 yrs old. I am now 44 years old and I come along way. Jesus has blessed me with the Holy Ghost since I was 16-17 yrs old. I am still here this day because of God Almighty! I suffered a stroke in August 2019, Drs said I would never walk or have a normal life. But glory be to God. I am still here. I give God all the glory and honor for all that I go through; trials, afflictions, infirmities, tribulations! Because I am a child of God and baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the spirit gives the utterance. Thank you Jesus for the seizures I am going through. I claim my healing in Jesus Name, victory belongs to Jesus! My life is in his hands!


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