Azusa Street Revival 1906-Pentecostal History

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  1. I have looked myself for information online like this and it's not until recently that I have seen so much posted about God's True Church! (Gal 4, our mother, Rev 3:10) Thanks to you and to all our brethren, P.A.W. … I do believe that with this virus, God has taken a curse and turned it into a blessing toward us, his little ones. (Mat 25:32 – sheep, goats & the resurrected Church, all 3) (-:

  2. The closing down of mental hospitals, CHURCHES, small health clinics, and the effects of covid-19 you get the very people who claimed they have all the answers are the very ones committing various acts of deceptions in many cities across America leading to more violence causing breakdown of normal communication with GOD as result of wrongdoing going uncheck. We need revival to come back asap!

  3. The fact I went inside the Bonnie brie house was just wow and also I went to the azuza street.. the fact I lived in Los Angeles my whole life and I didn’t know about this history till recently when my pastor gave us a early Pentecostal tour

  4. I was led by the Holy Spirit to listen to this video because my daughter is facing surgery. I have been having dreams and visions of speaking in tongues lately. I know there is healing in it, because I used to speak in tongues and my daughter was healed because of it some 30 odd years ago, but because no one in my surroundings speak it anymore, I do not speak it fluently anymore. My daughter is facing the same surgery again and I believe that the Holy Spirit is waking up this gift in me again.


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