1. It would be challenge for God…at 30 seconds in…really? I believe in miracles but a wooden leg would not stop or challenge my God. If it did I wouldn't be serving an all powerful, all knowing God for which nothing is impossible. He spoke and everything came into existance, now you want to tell me a wooden leg eould be challenge to God. That is what happens if you chase after miracles instead of chasing the One who gives the miracles. Don't belittle my God.

  2. Jesus healed me of Post Tramatic Disorder which left me with hearing voices that were not there for 3 weeks , the voices would tell me to kill and would laugh at me and torment me.Thanks be to GOD I was healed in Jesus name . The voices never returned. Been Sane healthy and Normal for 21 years! God is Faithful 😃

  3. I Am truly blessed and just can't Thank God enough…Yes those that saw the log grow had every reason to give Our Lord all the praise and Glory till morning. I would have done the same and those that got saved we can then God Our Father also. Bless you Pastor in that out pouring and reappearance of the Day of Pentecost Town Azusa and God can do anything there because He has His Spiritual Gateway there in that street in 1906 in Assemblies of God Church.


    Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

    -John 14:6

    ⁹ that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
    ¹⁰ For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    -Romans 10

    1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    – 1 John

    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and proclaim He is your Lord and Saviour.
    Believe He rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand.
    For by grace you are saved through faith.

    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer in the name of Jesus.
    Forgive those who have harmed you (this will free you from anger) as God forgave you.
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit (if possible).
    Live pure and stop sinning.
    If you sin unwillfully confess and repent for none of us are perfect except Jesus.

    Be obedient.
    Follow the spiritual laws: 
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind.

    Develop a relationship with God. Walk with him in the cool of the day.

  5. I was dying g from SARS I was drowning In my lungs. My son prayed in Jesus holy name. He recalled reading of casting into pigs and he did so. Our pet Guinea pig started coughing and died, but I was healed completely.

  6. I wish these people that experience the growing out of new limbs testify for the Lord, as it is written:

    Psalm 105:1-3 ESV — Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!

    Luke 8:38-39 ESV — The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

  7. If you were to show it on film footage in action everyone would believe for even the farasies believed when after Jesus healed the blind beggar for he got accused for doing it on the sabbath.

  8. Something's missing here. Oh, yeah–pictures. God can heal anything, yes. Jesus healed a man's withered hand. He raised a dead man to life. But God isn't going to grow new legs on amputees, regardless of how much faith we have or how many prayers we offer. "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign…"

    The issue isn't "CAN God heal?" It's whether He performs physical miracles just because we seek one. The obvious answer is no, and the proof is that we all die–believers and unbelievers alike. And most of us will die of illness. If we could simply ask God to remove our terminal illnesses, we would live forever. But we don't. God takes our lives through illness, accident, and sometimes violent acts of men. It's an everyday occurrence.

    The report of this amputee's healing is false all day long. If that's not so, then provide before and after pix of his new limb. Not covered by pant legs, the visible flesh before and after. I won't hold my breath.

  9. How can people believe this nonsense? Saint Jude's Children Hospital is filled with children with life threathening illnesses. If it weren't for the lastest research and the dedication of Doctors and Nurses, these children would all die. Why doesn't God heal these innocent little children who don't deserve going through this. Stories like this anger me so much. They create false hope for people.

  10. Brain aneurysm coma 11 days doctors told my family I had a 6% chance to live 2% chance not to be mentally handicapped if I did survive. I walked out of the hospital 28 days later. 1 brain surgery, speech therapy I was considered fit for full duty in the military which is where I was working when the injury happened I served 4 more years and was honorably discharged. 🙌🙌🙌

  11. Lord Jesus you are the redeemer of the soul that humbles itself and repents….and you are the healer of the repentant souls who have suffered terrible physical and emotional tragedies. We will continue to pray that more souls find repentance salvation and healing from all ailments…including all of our own. Amen

  12. It would be a challenge for God to grow it back with the wooden leg on? You think a piece of wood could limit the power of God? I knew right then that this story in not true.

  13. send that man to the hospitals if its real!!. All the comments below,,ahh the effects of a sin-sick world, everybodys sick/troubled. And no wonder folks laugh at church/God and salvation, stuff like this slanders the name of Christ who healed us spiritually with his stripes, not physically. Paul prayed three times for healing, guess he didnt do it rite. God does heal, go to the great physician, Jesus,, not to a man. charlatans,too much hocus-
    pocus, and abra cadabra.

  14. Garbage, one great lie after another. If I'm wrong give names and places. If this had really happened it would have been world-wide news. Why do people think God needs them to lie for him?


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