This film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality. Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring …


  1. This is why I have no hope for Christians 🤢 the bigoted ones (any who enjoyed this movie) need to be put on an island where they can’t infect the modern world with their regressive mindset

  2. That was awesome, loved it, I will share on my bitchute channel, if anyone that is LGBT who reads this comment just know I don't hate you neither does Jesus he loves you that is why he shed his precious blood, for us GBY ox

  3. Indeed "love can't stay silent"; I am really blessed by this movie, and it helped a sinner as I am to understand the truth of the gospel–how Jesus of Nazareth being God came in a human flesh to rescue everyone who believes in him. Since he died for I accept him as my savior and Lord; and I want to live for him. Thank you and God bless you!

  4. A la iglesia o secta esa living walters por Dios no hagan más engendros de estos q no sirven para nada pq a esto no se le puede llamar ni película y q pena q haya actores q malgasten su profesión haciendo tan semejante engendro y no se molesten en justificar su homofobia y su odio hacia el ser humano. Pq ustedes siempre serán homófobos.

  5. Oh GREAT a whole hour of Ray "Look at the banana and GAWD!!!…what? What do you mean it was modified? But Gawd modified it, right? Oh, a LAB did? Well…GAYS, SINNERS, GAWD!!!!" Comfort and his straw man arguments and non sequiturs. I'm tired of the hatred and the judgements and the silly arguments over what people do IN THEIR OWN, PRIVATE LIFE! Maybe if we cared less about what others do and looked inward a little more, the world would be an even better place!

  6. I’m saddened that this exist y’all literally made it y’all lives work to bash gay people. I’m not gay and I’m Christian and the first thing I learned as one was not to judge others because you too will be judged and to love everyone the same. Saying homosexuality is just as wrong as being an adulterer is insane. Y’all all act like you don’t commit the same sins like lying and stealing everyday. Sure it says in the Bible that it’s an abomination but it’s NONE OF OUR PLACE to judge them on it. Have y’all ever stopped to wonder that maybe people don’t accept Jesus these days because they see the way y’all treat them. And they see the community, it’s no coincidence that Christians today are seen as racist, sexist, homophobes. The “church” community is so toxic that I can’t even go to big churches anymore without hearing gossip or something. Can’t y’all see the slippery slope, like “conversion” camps where gay people are tortured to be straight. The truth is y’all use Jesus and God to fuel your hate, the same people saying homosexuality is wrong by the Bible standards were the same people trying to say interracial couples were wrong. These were the same people to use the Bible to justify slavery back in the 1800s. I honestly pray y’all see how damaging y’all are to Gods teachings and the world.

  7. I love this message, especially because just as Christians can help homosexuals, homosexuals can help us. God gives us trials to strengthen us spiritually and being up against such staunch objection can feel just as bad as homosexuals may be feeling from those who hate them. I am an ex-bisexual and am still very sensitive to the sin, but I thank GOD for testing my heart so that I don't hate or blame or be angry at others who perform this sin just because I'm ashamed of what I chose to do in my past. No sin is greater or worse than the other, for we all are evil in the eyes of a perfect God. But that's why JESUS is such good news! All humans have been offered this incredible gift, and I pray for everyone to receive it so we may live with HIM FOREVER! Amen. 😊😊💕💕

  8. Hey bigots, please remember that the United States Constitution says something about freedom of religion. The world doesn't revolve around you. Nor should it bend to your will. Get over yourselves because gay marriage is legal.

  9. you know that's all fanfiction, right?

    the old testament written by Moses is where it's at, sound principles and the ten commandments.

    I don't get why people are so determined to repent to Jesus when all that stuff is fake news.

    people be calling themselves followers of god but do not know a thing about keeping kosher or shabbes

    torah, for life, on god on god.

  10. I got a friend her name is Anne and she is a atheist I've been sharing with her the gospel uncountable times and she always rejects it or considers it hate please pray for her let her eyes be opened and that she may be brought to the Lord please help me pray for this soul ;-; God bless you all, Thank you Jesus for what you are going to do in her life.


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