Atheists and Christians Debate Truth And Belief | Middle Ground

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  1. I hate to be the kind of person who points fingers at individuals but hence they agreed to display their beliefs online, I hope they can take it.
    People, like that Jeremy guy, are f'ing nuts.

  2. This was afwul. Everyone personalizes their situations and critiques an entire belief or religion based on how a prtson treated them. Christians and there behavior, Particularly this christian in this debate, should not so easily re[resent the entire meaning of christ and christianity in ones mind. It ahows the level of intelligence you have or, Lack their of when thar is ones comclusion. The dynamic of the debate was poorly constructed when you have such an over powering side of the arguement. in otder for barriers to truly be broken and for beautifuk discussion to develope their needs to be more balance betweem the two parties. i felt this was a 4 v 1.

  3. Just read the first sentences in Genesis and throw that crap out.
    Let there be light. Wow. And then after some days let there be the sun. Fantastic stuff! Makes sense doesn't it?
    Especially the fact of counting days without having stellar objects. It's great info isn't it?
    Now lets go get our bananas and climb back on our trees

  4. See this is actually what’s wrong with society. That lady was actually wrong. It actually is a fact. She is an agnostic. By definition, atheist do not believe in spirituality. The fact that everyone was trying to support her imbecility is the actual problem. And you get mad when someone corrects you.

  5. Wow, that's intense. But I love to hear their thoughts and their experiences. Jubilee, you're my current favorite YT Channel. Loving all your contents. I'm so entertained and at the same time learning a lot of things. You guys makes my mind more open. 😍

  6. Natural selection is the character flaw in evil that is integrity is more important than life otherwise evolution is tragic circumstance with nothing intelligent happening. Almost everybody survive until they reproduce. Nothing is getting selected except for the character flaw in evil. Darwinism isn't something you can do so it's easy to keep a secret if it's considered impossible.

  7. I'm technically a Deist,by that I mean I think there might be a force that got everything going .but i'm having a HARD time believing that an 'omniscient' being would wilfully mess up like this.

  8. Christians are so delusional and have NO facts LOL. Faith is literally believing in something without any facts or evidence LMAO

  9. It's so evident that Atheists fear all Religions after the Abrahamic Cults they come to know during their lifetime …

    If you experience the Dharmic traditions , you will feel different . I assure you .

    It will not affect the Dharmic religions , but it will surely affect you .

    Learn Eightfold path of Lord Buddha , you will experience Bliss .
    Learn Jainism , path of Mahaveer and you will be conscious about Nonviolence .
    Learn Hinduism , path of Bhakti , and many types of Yogas , (Not the physical yogas) ,BhaktiYoga , DnyanYoga , KarmaYoga , you will know how Sanatana Dharma is all about experiencing this body to its fullest .


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