Abortion is extremely common. In America, for example, one in three women will have an abortion in their lifetime, yet the strong …


  1. Mastering financial responsibility before procreating is more ethical and successful than after procreating. It could even be said that being financially unprepared to procreate and procreating regardless is irresponsible and unethical, especially in today’s first world societies.

  2. You believe that stealing from other people is wrong but you still push your moral belief that stealing is wrong upon other people.  Why?  Why would you do that? 

    I thought you don't force your personal beliefs upon others?

    You believe that raping people is wrong, but why do you force this moral belief on others? Isn't it MY choice if I want to rape? Take your morals away from me.

    You believe drinking and driving is harmful yet you push your moral belief on our society.  Why do you do this?  I thought you didn't believe in forcing people to adhere to your morality? 

    You believe corporate taxes are unfair and you advocate this topic endlessly.  Why?  Why are you trying to force your beliefs upon others?

    You believe the income tax bracket is unfair and you try to push this belief on society.  Why do you do this?  I thought you hated people who push their beliefs on others.  Why do you do this?

    You believe men who pretend to be women and women who pretend to be men should be factually verified as whatever they say they are and you insist society accepts their word.   Why do you force the rest of us to believe such ridiculousness?

    You believe that killing human beings is wrong however you'll make excuses to kill undesirable humans if you see fit (perhaps black people or jews or right wingers or unborn humans or religious fanatics or Osama or whoever) as long as it is in line with your current political outlook, killing is ok to you.  yet you push your disgusting moral beliefs on others based on false pretenses. Why?

    You belive in a million stupid things and you try to push ALL your stupid beliefs on society, why do you do this?  I thought you believed it was WRONG to shove personal morals upon other people?

    You have your own morals, your morals are twisted and stupid but still morals and you shove them on everyone. 

    You're an idiot if you think you are the only one who tries to force their morals upon other people.

    Now shut up about "morals," shut up about everything. You're an idiot.

  3. Should the government have the legal right to force people to use their bodies against their will to save the life of another person? Even at risk Of death, quality of life, physical damage to self, and financial ruin? Body autonomy is important.

  4. I am pro life because I belive that takeing the life away from an unborn baby is like cooking a baby bird while its still inside of an egg only to toss it into the trash. Now think of that baby bird as a human.

  5. Yeah just put your self in the babys shoes. Oh crap i'm being killed. ahh mother why would you do this 🙁 you monster oh my gosh why please no I don't wanna I'm not even born yet. I won the sperm race for nothing aww god no why.

  6. i think we can all agree that the advent of Leftism is an ELE(Extinction Level Event);
    Leftism IS the Zombie Apocalypse.
    So, is Leftism genetic, or simply the result of poor parenting?
    If Leftism is genetic, and Leftists are having all the abortions, then it seems like a problem that takes care of itself.
    If Leftism is simply the result of bad parenting, then who makes worse parents than people whose first impulse is to kill their babies?
    Either way you look at it, abortion could actually save the planet, from the exact same people who want them.
    Isn't it worth considering?

  7. If we understand the science we have to accept that life begins at conception and abortion is a human rights issue. Perhaps this person should explain what happens to the baby during the abortion.

  8. Hey putos, this is nothing more than post modern mumbo-jumbo. Where morality and truth are not objective. They devalue life by pretending it's not a baby in an early stage of life.
    Truth is you really can't respect someone who can't see or deal with the truth.
    Sure, we should learn the art of listening, but we should never pretend that their is nothing wrong with their behaviors or that we endorse it. It's enabling and allows people to justify bad behavior.

  9. “Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.”
    “Woe to women lacking in modesty.”
    -Our Lady in Fatima Portugal 1917

  10. The way to talk about it is men talking to other men about it, and women accepting the wisdom of our guidance, and shutting up if they don't like it.

  11. If a person was born male and looks like a male but says "she" is a female, we should accept that?

    Does, or will that ever work when a Black male, born and raised on the south side of Chicago, tells a scared white female riding an elevator with him that he is really "White"? Will that ever work when that same male tells the police officer who just stopped him with his gun drawn for some minor violation, "I'm White" !?

    How can we in any way be "real" when we FAKE real life and real life situations?

    Pro-"choice" proponents should not fight for the right to abort and say, just accept it because that what the involved female has decided to be "valid".

    Pro-"choice" proponents should EMPHASIZE PREVENTION and making RESPONSIBLE choices that FIT their personal reproductive position BEFORE engaging in the act that could result in pregnancy, rather than fighting for the right to abort which is for the MOST part nothing more than a convenient way to hide or erase their PERSONAL irresponsibility! (Very few rape/incest pregnancies as compared to the "I'm not ready" pregnancies).

    Let's deal with what is real rather than trying to make the unreal, reality!

  12. Abortion shouldn’t be banned it should still be legal under certain circumstances if the baby isn’t going to survive if the mother can’t physically have the baby safely if the pregnancy is threatening the mother’s life or if the pregnancy was the result of rape those are real legitimate reasons for abortion where the mother would actually need it.

  13. A spirit showed me how you could inject an opioid into an umbilical cord and put a baby to sleep peacefully instead
    It give the baby up for adoption

    65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks, 1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent chronic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays

    Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for sale free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to overcome drought shortages, no problem

    Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best generic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water cross, full your swimming pool with ocean water and water your karma with salt water, don't put salt in your water put salt water on freezing roads, use a small steam distiller made out of glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin?

  14. Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Legal:
    Whether you agree or disagree with me as long as you are tolerant. For those who are against abortion rights for females. What if a female girl or woman was raped by some random violent teenage boy or man, what if she has no way to support her children because of poverty, what if she did not want to have children but her abusive boyfriend or her abusive husband forced her to give birth to a baby even if she is not ready to be a mother and what if she was raped by one of her male family members because it would be extremely disgraceful & disgusting to keep the baby of a rapist & a male relative which will traumatize the mother & especially the children. That is why I am pro-choice not pro-abortion and not anti-abortion but pro-choice period.
    (Abort babies when they are a zygote)


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