“At the completion of a regularly scheduled chapel service on February 8, 2023, at Asbury University, students lingered to pray, …


  1. God bless you dear Brother, we rejoice in Gods Word. May the Lord touch many lives through the Word of God that you are bringing to us. All for the Glory of God. Jesus Christ is the God of all Glory, Aleluia. Be blessed my Brother. 🙏 . Please pray for Romania. That the Holy Spirit will be poured on us and our Churches.

  2. Amen hallelujah praise GOD turn to the LORD and have all!!! He saved and changed me and will you also if you turn to him!!! GOD is so good and I can’t thank him enough!!! Keep doing for the LORD using your special gift amen!!! Your work doesn’t go unnoticed GOD bless all!!!

  3. So incredible as those precious students we love our youth our young people running to front to the alter seeking serving God coming to repentance & being filled with Holy Spirit precious beautiful . Prodigal returning to Heart of the Father true encounter with King Jesus . Praise God great revival of hearts & Harvest many coming to salvation such a witness . God is moving

  4. The holiness of God, deep repentance and sorrow (were so-called "queer Christians" turning from their sin?), powerful Jesus-focused preaching (Substitutionary Atonement, Redemption, etc.), significant evangelism and conversion in the surrounding secular towns (e.g., Welsh Revival, Great Awakening). These are the hallmarks of legitimate revival.

  5. As he mentions Acts 2, i can’t help but also point out the fact that it wasn’t the strong wind or the tongues of fire or even the proclamation of the gospel in all the languages, which are all part of this event, but the fruit and the result, outcome that came out of that movement…thousands coming to repentance and the church growing and causing such an impact! When they heard the news Peter responded to their question of “what must we do to be saved, to participate, to enter in, to partake of this awesome supernatural movement?” And the result was a full presentation of the gospel that resulted in salvation, repentance and change. This is what I’m hoping will happen. It all can look great and sweet and beautiful, but the test will be the fruit of change and transformation in our generation!

  6. We are not save by works
    We are save by faith in Grace
    Faith Alone in Crist Alone
    Jesus paid all our debt in cross
    In the moment we believe in Jesus
    In the moment we trust in the perfect blood of Jesus
    In the finish work of salvation in the cross
    We are save Forever
    True repentance is not turning from out sins
    True repentance is a Change of mind
    Trusting in Jesus and not in our own works
    Sealed with the holy spirit until the day of redemption

  7. I am so glad this is happening 3 months ago I told my friend there's going to be revivals breaking all over and it's not good. It's going to go worldwide I I think God for this because I kept praying and asking God to bring revival and he has I hope everybody realize this is not the end the beginning the beginning of holy fire around the world that prepares the Lord coming to receive us unto himself forever

  8. Pls Get Right with GOD Before Its Too Late ! We all shld start our own Revival in our own Family first, then neighbors or friends. As JESUS IS CALLING ALL HIS CHILDREN TO HIM. TIME IS SHORT, JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON. GOD LOVES AND BLESS EVERYONE. ✝️♥️♥️♥️
    Loves Faith. Malaysia.


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