LOS ANGELES, Calif. – The 1970s saw people traveling to southern California looking for truth. Then something extraordinary …


  1. I don't know what "18% of Republicans" said the world would be a better place if Democrats die…who are you talking about?…the Unbelievers? I don't know of any Republican Believer in Christ that feels that way.

  2. This will be birthed again….[rev 12]….in the midst of birthpangs….[Matthew 24:8] …. God will bring about a rebirth [Revelation 12:4]…..this will be the rod of iron against the hatred towards God's restorative justice and elevate the movement for the soul of humanity to permeate society right across the globe..!

  3. Looking forward to this. My wife and I really came to Christ about then and the Jesus Movement certainly played it's part in our encouragement to share our faith.The music from the various Christian groups was outstanding. eg The Maranatha music label or genre."Maranathe ,Maranathe, the Master's coming back". What a great rallying song and message.Geoff from Adelaide,South Australia.

  4. The picture of the man in the cover is my grandpa, Hugo Soria, being baptized, he still lives in SoCal and has given his life to Christ since then. Years later this movement impacted my family, I am a Believer as well. Wonderful to see that my grandpa was part of this amazing movement! I hope to see a revival like this in my generation 😊

  5. I Hope Australian Theatres will show this!
    As the Country is going down a Slippery Slide!
    This weekend it Prides itself in The Homosexual and Lesbian etc Mardi gras!
    And a Generation that at this time wondering What next!

  6. Revival a tidal wave in Jesus Christ Name Says the LORD God of Hosts in Jesus Christ Name amen and amen To young people in Universities and colleges and schools Focus on Jesus the author of your faith

  7. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble but when Jesus said, "He who rejects you (His apostles and by extension their successors), rejects me," He meant that we must believe in and obey what they teach and command. The church Christ founded wasn't based primarily on the New Testament writings but on the teaching of the apostles, and that church is the Roman Catholic Church, which has been independent of apostate Rome since the papacy was usurped in 1958 by the traditional enemies of Christ and their Masonic assets, as can be seen at the White Smoke 1958 site. The teaching of the apostles can be seen in summary in The Penny Catechism. "Bible alone" and "faith alone" Protestant Christianity only began in the 1500s, and is heresy. "Not all those who say 'Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom of heaven. See also the very important Message of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, just months before the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. It was confirmed by the greatest predicted public miracle since the Resurrection.

  8. Isn’t this the man from “The chooses” 🤦🏻‍♀️ get out of hear man! Your doctrine is demonic but seek the truth and than maybe make a Movie, until than I just wanna let you know I’m in love with you 😍

  9. There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who have God and those who do not. You cannot trivialize Him ✝️ forever, the Law ✝️ is coming.

  10. The church is in us ✝️… you are worldly and devoid of the Spirit.

    Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
    2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV

  11. Just want to know, genuine question…does the movie show Lonnie Frisbees private life. He lived as a gay man before and during his ministry. Or is he not the main character. It's just that as Christians we need to tell the whole story and not gloss over truth or pretend things didn't happen. Otherwise the world will call us out as fakes

  12. Saw the movie last night. It has many touching moments. I got saved in 1972 and I am still saved 51 years later, so it stuck. Hasn't always been a bed of roses, but whose life is? The friendship and love of Jesus is what gets you through.


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