Young people, particularly young men are facing an unparalleled demoralization inculcated by an extremely damaging ideology.


  1. The Christian Church is here to remind people that they have a delightful garden to walk in, a constant friend to walk by their side, a father to speak with, health-giving food to eat, a marriage-partner to find, a family to nurture, an arc to build, a land to conquer, a ladder to heaven to climb and the utterly terrible death-imbued life to face, stalwartly in truth, devoted to love and without fear. Love that. Thanks.

  2. Hello. As a practicing Catholic I would be delighted to give you encouraging the practical tips for attending a Holy Mass. You are invited and welcome even just to observe. I can tell you exactly where to go, what to do, how to do, what to wear, when to show up, when to pull up your socks. Just ask.

  3. Remember that it takes courage and full spiritual armour to embody the living father. Noone manages it in this life alone. Quote: Rescue your dead father from the belly of the beast where he has always resided and restore him to life.

  4. Holy Cow, Dr. Peterson – that was powerful. I think you should give The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a look- they require much from their members- especially their Young Men.

  5. Young men need to be welcomed back to church but how can a church, who claims to have all the right answers for every possible problem, “listen” to them, help them not feel guilty for their natural instincts and desires? The problem with organized religion is THEY have all the answers/road map and questioning that is a cultural sin.

  6. As someone who has listened to hours of JP, owns some of his books, and finds many of his ideas interesting…. what is this? So many logical fallacies (ad hominem, straw man, etc) and what seems to be zero interest finding out why someone might have a different perspective. There are a couple interesting points, but it's lost for me in the inaccuracies, the assumptions, and (ironically) the statements that are demeaning to the intelligence of young men. He sounds afraid. He sounds more like a paid off politician here than a professor. Please do better, Dr. Peterson. Sincerely, a 29 year old man.

  7. Church destroyed me persecuted me and made me go alone isolated feeling abandoned wrongfully judged and I'm suffering really bad. My faith in God is stronger tho he's a know not a faith in his existence anymore cause he's so real but still i feel suffering from Gods people the same I'm sick of the attack and or silence but when it comes to church or where to find people that are real I'm lost.. my pain is deep.. all I see is wrongful judgment and no understanding or even the desire to take time to listen or understand.. iv never felt more depressed and in darkness than what an how the church has treated me and Iv been truthful real pursuing truth and even when I read my father's word it even says many will be false in many ways
    What can I do but keep going on. Walking away from God is like walking away from air it's impossible I have no other choice which is amazing I'm thankful for that but I stay alone hurt and trust none of them

  8. What should one do when they are turned out ? It is a terrible thing to be left ex-community to one's own devices and yet, that is what I have. All the teaching received and delivered (as I was in leadership) becomes the companionship which is in one form and isn't in another.
    I do not wish to be cynical.
    This was a very interesting 10 minutes. which, thanks to our media, i can revisit again.

  9. Churches, sweep out the yeasty narcissistic compassion, your own default mode of being female in traits only and be as a freshly baked unleavened bread anointed with oil to give strength to the young men weary from fighting….

  10. When the Apostle Paul came to preach in Corinth he didn’t use big fancy words to get the gospel out. I believe that’s a big problem today and confusing many. The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple and we make it sound so difficult. It’s a Big problem.

  11. So you don't want children to be submitted to docile obedience, but you want men to do it in a church, because of their duty to the past ? Kind of a strange double standard, don't you think? As I respect religious people and them going to the church, I think you should respect my choice and freedom not to, Mr Peterson.

  12. Matthew 5:16-18
    16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

    17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

    If you want the blessings from deuteronomy, look up the laws. If you want the curses, then ignore them. One of those laws: 'judges shouldn't take a bribe.' But that one might be too tough for some people. Or 'do not mix two fabrics.' And go do some research on linen and wool and how their energies cancel out if mixed. But alone they have almost miraculous and even healing properties. We're only still learning about the One who created us. Seek and you will find!

  13. It's easy to bark commands at others. Why don't YOU do it, Mr Peterson? What's stopping YOU from giving your life to Christ and using your talents and insights in His service?

  14. But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36 People need a shepherd. Pointing people to the sheepfold (church people) will profit nothing without focused emphasis on the Shepherd. Psalm 146:3: Do not trust in princes, in mortal man in whom there is NO salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish. How blessed is he whose help is God, whose hope is in the Lord his God who made heaven and earth…who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry…The Lord raises up those who are bowed down. As one who has been in church my whole life, I testify that all help is from God, definitely not people, whether those people go to a church or not. Look to Jesus. He IS abundant life.

  15. The Power of the Spoken word is not taught in Churches, the name of God is not called,if you blessed by the Holy Spirit you ostracised, they will say it could be the devil. They cant explain much so they loose young people. no interest,

  16. We are commanded to fellowship with fellow believers, . Fellowship comes from the Greek word Koinonia, meaning “holding something in common”, it’s used 20 times in the New Testament! Some references, Philippians 2, Acts 2, and 1 John 1 for example. What the word “describes” is the unity of the Spirit that comes from shared beliefs and behaviours. When these shared values happens in a group, we have genuine fellowship. That can’t happen without a “getting together”, does that make sense to you? Another example in the bible speaking about gatherings, is in Romans 12, together we a body.

    The English language is brutal, so there is a need to get back into the ancient languages to better understand what is meant. The English word “Love” is a great example of this. I Love hamburgers, but I also love my kids, I love my wife and I love my brothers. Those are all different “kinds” of love but we use the same word. Weird, eh? Sheesh, look at me ranting. Sorry! 😊

  17. Catholicism is a líe. We have to be carefully. Look for God is not a game. Before consider Catholicism as you church affiliation please read the history of the church tou will find the truth that make you stay away from Catholicism. Candace Owen left Christianity because she git marry to at the current time a catholic man. Catholicism is totally contrary to God's Word.
    Please he careful . Pray honestly to God and ask Him for answer.

  18. I’m a believer in how I might be enriched when following is the footsteps of the church. But, I do not go to the church anymore and walk in many of their footsteps. Many are great and many are not. I walk in my own path, which I trust more often than not, with God until I find a partner to walk along with. I feel lonely often. But, I’m never alone.

  19. Jordan, I think you are not making any distinction between Bible believing and non Bible believing Protestant churches. What do I mean by Bible believing? Non Bible believing churches which are many in the last 100 to 150 years in the US and Europe teach that the Bible is full of mistakes and errors. Both of these two groups will react very differently and teach very differently to the young men in their realm of influence.


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